My store needs some tips on how to get there ring tinder up this is a big must our goal is 95% bit should be 100* let me know some so that our store can get back on the train tracks( that means better in line)!!!!!!
Ok, its like i said before, its not enough to just have a high item per min. the key is to have your tender time as low as possible, preferably below .40. You kind of have to develpoe your own scan technique, everyone has their own. For example, before you scan the first item, get produce or large items ready, because they require more time and effort. One effective way to decrease tender time is to do WIC transactions very fast.
Who cares how fast you are what the hell happened to just good old customer service!!!!! you know the service you used to get at the mom and pop stores without being rushed!!!! my customers always tell me they feel rushed..
If you cant scan fast AND provide great service, go be a sacker you idiot, you sound just like the old farts at my store. so your implying that you arent making your goal huh, just a hater.
At my store everyone but two people are almost always above 100. Before you start a WIC order fill out the coupon as much as you can. After the order fill in the amount. This keeps you from loosing time by filling them out. You can also make the first item produce, if you can reach it. Put the item on your scale and let it read the weight before you type the PLU or scan their card. This will save you from having the time of weighing that item increasing your total time. Every little thing helps.
i know how to get it ridicously low but its techniquely cheating. enter the plu code 20 enter price as zero clear for kroger card and cash it out( cash tend, cashtend) if you want to amp up your speed just quantify the plu 20 at 0 price. like i said its cheating so dont use it. if customer wants to check there rewards card build up this is a good way to do it to. just dont do it to raise your score cause my csm found out and i got royally chewed out.
my score is always a bove 100, so here is a couple tips. at the begining of your shift grab the fastest bagger there and just go as fast you can, if you go fast enough your tendertime will be low like .35 starting and will end up in a few orders about .46. unless your devilishly fast like my twin brother used to be and hold a .19 for an hour with 45 ipm. then he got caught in a really bad wic order which messed it up big time. if your on express clear the area around you. go as fast you can and just set down the item DONT bag it till the end, your customer might even start bagging which would make it even better. doing this your ipm can be like 28 when expected is 18.