I have 2 weeks left out of the total 3 that i get yearly. With me having almost no help in my department the chance that i'll get both of the remaining weeks taken before the end of the year is almost zero.
My question is, can i just file a request for vacation in order to get paid for them and not actually take/request any time off from work?
Or would there be a conflict when payroll notices they are giving me a vacation pay check at the same time as a regular check?
There should be no conflict. The company and most store directors are instructed to see you get your earned vacation(s) but the store manager can let you take the pay and still work. I have done that for years as I only take about 2 out of 4 and now 5 weeks vacations for the last 5 years. Just get the pay instead. Also have had it place where I go on vacation , for 1 weak and get paid for 2. Store directors will do it if they want to because your vacation pay does not come out of the store labor expense, as I was told, but from corporate expense from your contract negotiations. Getting down to it, if you are short handed , most directors would give you the money without the time being taken and there will be no conflict unless you try to take both remaining weeks time ar the same time you are working. Then it may kick them out of the system.