there are two people below me that have less seniority than me they are working earlier shifts than me.. is there a proper way to inform the store manager about this? do i write a note requesting one of those shifts? i usually don't complain about the schedule but i am working ten days in a row just trying to make it painless as possible.
the real question is "can they realistically work that late" some people have school or some people work other jobs. I would just go up to my department head and ask them if i can get some earlier shifts and then asked if i could take their shifts. Your union rep would probably be able to give you a hand with this whole thing if needed.
Would you like fries with th... I mean, your milk in a bag?
I would wanna know what your state laws are regarding how many days in a row they can work you. Here in Il., the max is six---unless you consent to work more.
well its not illegal they can technically schedule me this way sunday, monday off then work rest of the week then work the rest of next week with friday, saturday off
Did you request, in writing, to work an earlier shift? As far as I know, the only thing seniority allows you to do is to claim hours from someone with less seniority if that person is given more hours than you. There's nothing about specific hours. Also, if you claim someone's hours you must be able to do that person's job. You can claim hours if someone has more than you do and you have seniority but you can't claim their shift if the schedule has already been posted.
If your contract rules are the same as mine on this matter, than the following things may apply to you:
With your seniority, you may claim one of the schedules below you if the people below you were given preference on hours, either more hours scheduled, or a better shift. BUT, you must claim their schedule in FULL. You cannot claim just one or two days of it. You have by Saturday at Noon to do this. To do this, you inform your department or store manager that you would like to exert your seniority and take that shift.
If the people below you have work restrictions stating that they cannot work in the evening, then you have a couple options. You can choose to be kind about it and just take the late hours, or you can claim the earlier hours.
The union contract for Local 2007 (I think thats my local) states that if a person has any restrictions on their availability (IE: They cannot work in the evening) then Kroger is not required to provide them with minimum hours. If someone has restrictions on their availability, Kroger may schedule them 0 hours if they wished. With no restrictions, part time, the minimum is 16 hours a week.
So.. You need to make your desire for earlier shifts known. Just be aware that if you do so, and the people below you have restrictions, you could bump them down in hours if you really pushed. Sometimes people just don't want to work evenings It isnt that they cant. It's up to you to decide what you want to do about this.
Since we are probably from different Locals, you should check with your Union Steward about this. Or call your union.
Grab a union contract some time and read it. You will be surprised at the rights you have as an employee that are violated every day.