if she is calling in every month then that is excessive and I have seen union stewards demand them to be let go, guess it depends on your local and what you can say about the people representing you.
Is she one of those types who always has some type of crisis going on? We have this one woman in the deli who can take the most normal routine and turn it into a problem.
depends on how quite the union wants to keep this person. if they are someone, cring, racism, or dicrimination, they will hand they every thing on a silver platter, to keep they happy.
other wise, it goes untill the union feels they are no longer worth the effort. for some, thats a lot, for others, calling them once will get you screwed over.
the union cares nothing for it's people,. it's all a matter of mantaing PR, and image. they look good helping you, at low risk, they will. little credt, of lot of effort, yoy get shafted, abd even blackballed
We had a guy who would call in almost every saturday he was scheduled. So mgmt cut him from 40 to 32. When he complained, hell even I said "well you only work 4 out of 5 days a week anyway". Funny thing is this: he was still scheduled on saturdays.
Suggest that. My new 32 hr guy didnt stick around long after that, and neither will yours.