I've been a sacker at Kroger for a little over a year now and like my job. I get along pretty well with everyone there except for this one woman. She's the type who pretends she likes you but you can tell she can't stand you. Passive aggresive comes to mind. She also has an air of superiority and gets away with pretty much anything. Management just seems to look the other way when she talks on her phone while checking or doesn't show up for work without calling, etc.. An incident happened yesterday and I'm really afraid I will lose my job. I went to get plastic bags near her register and she said something in a "joking' way to me. Then she grabbed my arm and pinched the hell out of it for 5 seconds. What did I say to her to deserve this, you ask? Absolutely nothing. She just decided to hurt me for some reason unknown to me. I went back to my duties but my arm started hurting and I looked and had a huge red black and blue mark covering a quarter of my upper arm I decided to report it. When she saw I would report her she started going off about how she would tell everyone I was making racist jokes about her ( she is black I am white). That couldn't be farther from the truth. Anyone who knows me would tell you that. I talked to management and they just wanted to make light of it and smooth it over. I think they are afraid of her to tell you the truth. Most of the cashiers don't like her as she mistreats them also but they figure why bother saying anything as management always takes her side anyway. My parents insisted they do something so they suspended both of us. I am waiting for the top manager to call me in to talk to me and I'm afraid he may let me go. I saw her talking to a union rep yesterday and had a sinking feeling because unfortunately I'm not in the union and I think she is. Also she has a friend who is a front end mangager who will defend her and lie for her. I live on my own and pay my own bills so I really need to keep my job. Any advice would really be appreciated right now. Thanks.
I've read a few posts on here regarding race card issues, and I don't know accurate they are, but I'm getting a bad picture. Makes me sick, and NO F**KIN way should it go on. ---And, it won't so long as people stick up for themselves.
also take several pictures of your arm where she pinched you, and write down your story in a chronological and fact-based assessment with as much detail as possible.
listen .... she assulted you! it has to be on the cameras. you went to them to report it. why would anyone go and report such a thing if it dosnt have merit to it. write out a statement concerning this incident. feel free to send it to my acct here and i will gladly read it over and help edit it & give you feedback on the wording if you feel like you need it. walk into the store first thing tomorrow morning and present them with this letter.
i do not understand why you are being suspended? so she went and said that you were making racial comments after you reported her? sound pretty suspicious if i was management however they must by law investigate any charges. how long r u suspened for? ask them to expedite matters. tell them how you love your job; you were minding your own business; she was the one who pinched you - you were the ome to report it.
I am no longer part of the oppressed, evil workforce of Kroger! Can you say "Hallelujah"
Tell them that you are planning legal action against them for the assault that she did to you. Since you were on Kroger property, and on the clock when it happened, then it is their liability.
I went in to Krogers yesterday to do some shopping and was told by one of the fill-in managers( said attackers allie) that I wasn't allowed to be in the store. When I went in to talk to my manager a couple days ago he never told me I couldn't come into the store so now I'm like "WTH?"Anyway I left but peaved that I have to travel across town when I want to pick up milk or whatever.
Several years ago, there was a class action lawsuit brought against the company for not promoting the "African-American" community into "upper management" positions like "they" thought "they" should. As a result, many "African-Americans" were compensated (MONEY) and promotions from this lawsuit. As a result, many in the management area have to "walk on eggshells" and be careful what the say and react in situations such as this. Good luck.