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Post Info TOPIC: bullies


have any bullies at your store and even management is scared and lets rule?



Come back when you can write a complete and coherent sentence.



Guess the bullies are here too!



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You're in the adult world now. File harassment.


Would you like fries with th... I mean, your milk in a bag?

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We have a problem of nepotism in my store - and it is ridiculous! Not the fact family works in the same store, but one family member has authority over another.


Right Store. Right Price.


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Posts: 488

Anonymous wrote:

Come back when you can write a complete and coherent sentence.

 come back when YOU have anything productive to say .

we had a receiving manager, that used to throw pallets at people.

still works at kroger to this day, even after calling another employee the racist "N' word, where a customer heard it, and reported it.


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Welcome to Kroger, Bullies are everywhere in this system. When one finally does move on, another takes it's place. Filing a harrassment claim will only piss off management who will then make your life a living hell.

Stay out of their range of fire, and hope you get a real job.



Whats up with the union? Seems they just collect the money and run!!!! Bet I KNOW WHO THE PERSON THAT THROWS PALLETs!!! She is a very angry person who is going to explore just waiting to see who she really cross the line with! No one should put up with the behavior coming from the workplace. Really is going to be bad for KROGER!



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Posts: 18

You ask "whats up with union",
The new union we will say has gotten weak and getting weaker by the month. They take your cash and yes run with it. They hide behind those union insigna like they are real, they are no more. People, you really do need to start reading the print on the wall with krogers union. They are in violation with their own union OTH,
The union rep in our local TOLD me they are weak, well then get the hell out if you can not hold the union labor oth they use to strongly beleave in,so you ask what do they beleave in? TAKING your fu,ken hard working money, Im surprize a real union dont throw down on this group because they make a real union like teamsters look bad.(oth) by not doing their job.
I swear I have NEVER seen the union do any thing
to help out any labor worker with real problems. Im sure in the past years yes, but not the new locals, they are here to baby sit krogers labor,they are acting more like kroger mang. Kroger has no way of dealing with labor so the new role of union is to babysit the labor they all make money, you can no longer trust the union @ lest our local here,
I had some union lady ask me not long ago if I was in the club, and I said CLUB, I said is that what this is now is a club, hell I thaught she was in the VFW with that insigna sh$t she was wearing.



Amen on that! Glad i never joined, probably on the smartest things i done in awhile! Management does need to get a backbone or they will soon be facing a lawsuit!! I keep excellent documentation on all the bull going on in our store.



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At my store, my Associate Manager (who is also the Grocery Dept. Manager) had cursed directly AT me a couple times, calling me a "mother****er", etc. Not saying this will work for everyone, but once I walked up to him pretty close, make direct eye contact with him and told him that if it happens again, I will take all necessary actions to put a stop to it, he amazingly stopped. Just my story, however just tonight another Co-Manager caught me taking quick smoke break and bitched me out something fierce. She was justified in doing it I guess because I shouldn't have been out there, but went about it in all the wrong ways. Anyway, this post sort of got derailed in my rambling. I apologize. /endramblemode.


Edit: I'm a longtime lurker, and thought I'd finally register here and contribute.  So with that, hello fellow Kroger drones. /wave.  

-- Edited by StockerGuy on Friday 6th of January 2012 12:10:13 AM



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Posts: 1454

I like what you said about getting up close and making strong eye contact-----amazing how good that sht works, isn't it?


Mother Earth needs to douche.



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Posts: 2889

StockerGuy, badassing his way to victory.


Would you like fries with th... I mean, your milk in a bag?

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