Kroger is so dedicated to the great experience of the customer. Why not the employee as well? Why is there never a schedule for more than one week at a time? This makes it very difficult to plan any kind of family gathering or visiting with friends. Is this the same for all locations or just the 2 that I have had experience with?
In my area schedules come out on Friday by NOON and it runs Sunday to Sunday. But if you are a manager, co manager or a Administrative manager they are on a monthly schedules.
Kroger is so dedicated to the great experience of the customer. Why not the employee as well? Why is there never a schedule for more than one week at a time? This makes it very difficult to plan any kind of family gathering or visiting with friends. Is this the same for all locations or just the 2 that I have had experience with?
I think what you're thinking would do just the opposite. Most of the time I don't even know if I need a certain day off until maybe a week in advance. If you know you need a certain day off some time in the distant future then there's plenty of time to put in the request. On the other hand, what do you do if it's a Monday or Tuesday and something pops up for the following Sunday or the next weekend? If the schedules were already made out 2 weeks ahead of time you'd be out of luck. With the schedules being done just a week in advance you would be able to ask for those days off.
I really wish Kroger would use this schedule management system.
I could look at my schedule at home. see what times, look at who else is working and make request off. You can trade a shift with someone with it. It was great.
from what i been told, from a a ex comanager, kroger does the floating never know what your gonna get scedules to make it harder to have another job, and thus not be on call, or avalible 24/7
If there done 2 weeks in advaned and you need off I am sure you can find someone who will work for you. As far as scedules on Friday that is late I thought it was mandatory to have them in by Wednesday or no later that Thursday noon.
If there done 2 weeks in advaned and you need off I am sure you can find someone who will work for you. As far as scedules on Friday that is late I thought it was mandatory to have them in by Wednesday or no later that Thursday noon.
The people who make out the schedules have to have them done by Wednesday so payroll can input them into the computer. They all have to be keyed in by hand.