i am starting work at kroger's store number728 on saturday in the deli, what should i expect and what do they train you to do on your first day of training. also i know part time means only 4 hrs a day ,but how many days do you work a week if your part time. any answers will be appreciated.
You're guaranteed at least 12 hours a week. Your first day will probably be spent learning how to wait on customers, learning the different types of meats, how to use the slicer, etc.
Yep you will get to hate the job management treats people like ****,Even zone treat people like ****, the union suck ass they are payed off by kroger under the table.
If you try to get full-time they will screw you over big time, I have been with the company for a long time and seen how bad we get treated with health insurance hell kroger doesn't want to pay fuel clerks the same pay as inside store empolyees it's so bad the fuel clerks are on food stamps Bad kroger for not paying a living wage and the union is getting payed under the table for peoples health insurance getting cut I remember when we got bonus every year now it's every contract which last one we got was 700.00 to buy the empolyees vote for the crap contract we got.I know every empolyee at my store voted no on the last contract becuase people wanted a $2.00 pay raise and better insurance coverage, normal clerks would be making 15.40 a hour if we got the 2.00 raise but we got 1.00 for a 5 year contract. Yep we got tossed under the bus thank you Kroger.
Sad but true. I need a job to pay the bills and if I found something different I would be gone and never shop at a Kroger again for I know how they treat their employees.
The morale in our store is so down its like a funeral