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Post Info TOPIC: anonymous posters. the gutless wonders in life


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anonymous posters. the gutless wonders in life

dude why is this such a big deal, it's just the internet.

constructive tip...if this is bothering you so much, make a new kroger forum where only registered screen names can post. is one such place you can do this

-- Edited by styles on Saturday 17th of March 2012 06:39:04 PM



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i work in the meat department and out of the 7 of us there, i wouldn't call any of them an idiot. not that any of that really matters, there's definitely no shortage of idiots in kroger or at any other place in the world for that matter. i see my sarcasm was lost on you

now i've given you two possible solutions to this anonymous problem that seems to bother you so much...make a new kroger forum or petition the owners of this site to disable anonymous posting. these are the only actions that will see any productive result. ranting against anons on the forum will only bring them out of the woodwork to rattle your cage more.

-- Edited by styles on Saturday 17th of March 2012 11:13:23 PM



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Here is my point about the creation of a profile. Yes there could and probable would be people still coming across as trolls. There are over 636 members on here. Most will never be heard from or ever be back again.
There is around 1532 different posts made and who knows how many different answers to the posts. This is the only real forum I have ever been at where you do not need to have any type of account or screen name to respond or post anything. In the last 100 posts, 49 was all created by anonymous. Now if this is to be a place for Kroger employees to com and bitch, ask for advice, exchange ideas or just tell some one to go **** their self then so be it.
But they should have the balls to create a screen name and post. But they do not . They would rather hide behind their mothers skirt ( anonymous name that all ball less cowards use) in fear of their selves and their paranoia they have. It is easy for a troll to post under the same name ( anonymous ) that others will use. Then when you need an honest answer you have no clue as to who posted it . Also makes it easier for the weak minded simpletons to come on and prove they do not have the courage to stand behind what they say. These would be the same type of employees ( if they really do work for Kroger ) that would be the dumb ass, back stabbing workers that will always bitch about how hard they work ( they don`t ) and yet are likely to whine and cry about why they are not just given or handed everything because they feel it is owed to them. Trolls or leaches.
So as the anonymous posters continue, they can not be considered anything but paranoid gutless wonders that feel they need to bitch behind their mothers skirt as they are not competent to handle a job let alone a simple little task in life.
Take one example here . nocturnia I have gotten into a few name calling but I will give him and those that does disagree with me the respect they do deserve. He at least has the balls to create and post what he feels, without having to hide behind anyone's skirt. Then there is Anonymous cutter and Ihategrumpy1 that both started out as anonymous and came to understand they do have balls and do not need to hide behind another's skirt . They do deserve to be taken seriously as apposed to those that wants to continue as little trolls and start trouble, just like they would at work, if they even do that.
So come on out trolls. here is your chance to bitch, hide behind your mommies skirt and prove you are a gutless paranoid ball less wonder in life.



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styles wrote:

dude why is this such a big deal, it's just the internet.

constructive tip...if this is bothering you so much, make a new kroger forum where only registered screen names can post. is one such place you can do this

-- Edited by styles on Saturday 17th of March 2012 06:39:04 PM


NO intentions of doing that. Just like in the stores. Anonymous is those lazy , dumb ass paranoid workers that talk a good job but unable to deliver. Those are the ones that I will run off during their probation or work on getting rid of as soon as possible. They are a cancer and will not ever be taken seriously ( just like anonymous) for many reasons. They are the ones that believe kroger ( or any retain establishment) and society owes them everything and should just give it to them without earning what others have to do to carry them.


I have no intentions of leaving so deal with it or leave yourself



Yeah, what he said. Lmao! As if these people go by nocturnes in real life. Perhaps I'll one day get to meet the grumpy hater. Wow! You sir are definitely employed by Kroger. Everyone have a great day!



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well given the setup of this forum, there's not really much you can do about the anonymous plague (lol)

unless you manage to petition the site administrators to stop anonymous posting, anons are going to continue to post.

so just like key retailing, there's really no point in raging against this, it just makes you look..well..grumpy (hardee har har)



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Anonymous wrote:

Yeah, what he said. Lmao! As if these people go by nocturnes in real life. Perhaps I'll one day get to meet the grumpy hater. Wow! You sir are definitely employed by Kroger. Everyone have a great day!


Another true gutless wonder that has no balls. Probably one of the idiots that does not even need to be working

Just proving my point that you are another paranoid old troll.



You are so full of it.


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lol this guy

I fucking hate Kroger


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Why are you still mad about this? Like I said last night, Kroger stresses us enough, why stress on your time off!! :)



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4hourrush wrote:

Why are you still mad about this? Like I said last night, Kroger stresses us enough, why stress on your time off!! :)


actually after dealing with some of the idiots I have to deal with, this is relaxing for me.


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oh you deal with idiots at kroger? what a unique snowflake, you are!

I fucking hate Kroger


Dealing with your family members doesn't count. Don't worry, be happy!



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atlantadiv_fml wrote:

oh you deal with idiots at kroger? what a unique snowflake, you are!

 A snowflake ?

As apposed to what? you? come on now you can do better than that.



Hehe. Hehe. I like you your fun to play with.



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idiots at kroger, you say? well, i never!!!!



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Stop being such a dick grumpy.


Would you like fries with th... I mean, your milk in a bag?


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BagBoy wrote:

Stop being such a dick grumpy.

 Now what you got to remember is this bagboy. When you have to deal with the public and some dumb ass employees all day, then you got to get it out somewhere. Can not do it at work so take it out on the cowards that have to hide around here.



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styles wrote:

idiots at kroger, you say? well, i never!!!!

 Now I got a question for you , or anyone else thatwants to aswer it. What department do you work in, how many people are it it and how many are idiots that does not need to be there?



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styles wrote:

i work in the meat department and out of the 7 of us there, i wouldn't call any of them an idiot. not that any of that really matters, there's definitely no shortage of idiots in kroger or at any other place in the world for that matter. i see my sarcasm was lost on you

now i've given you two possible solutions to this anonymous problem that seems to bother you so much...make a new kroger forum or petition the owners of this site to disable anonymous posting. these are the only actions that will see any productive result. ranting against anons on the forum will only bring them out of the woodwork to rattle your cage more.

-- Edited by styles on Saturday 17th of March 2012 11:13:23 PM

 I am in the market and have 5 full timers and two part timers. Only one that is a true problem would be my market assistant. He is not an idiot but just does not want to follow the programs and policies set down by kroger. He just has developed an attitude where he wants to run a market and feels it should be given to him. just can not get the others to want to work under him because he lacks the wanting to, ability or desire to work with the others. Got one part timer that I got extra training hours ( was not easy to get either) of 8 a week for 7 weeks to train him to be a service manager. 8 hours where he will work that does not count against our elms, budget or anything, to work one day a week with the seafood manager for 5 weeks and me for 3 weeks. One part timer that I am trying to replace because he needs transferred. Does not need to be driving 35 miles one way for just 18 hours a week. Then have four other workers that are good but just wants to argue with each other . have threatened to place them in marriage counseling. Biggest problem our Store has is with inefficient night stalkers and front end package clerks. Also a lot of older workers that has been there for 10 years or more and have poor attitudes from past managers that was there and not wanting to conform to new practices.

As far as the anonymous ass clowns, I will just treat them the same way I will treat some of the non union members I have worked with before that feels they deserve everything without wanting to work. Like ****.




My name is Nik.....rhymes with Dick. You hide behind grumpy, which might as well as be anonymous because who the Fugg knows who you really are, who cares? I guess it gives you "street cred" on here. When I first saw this forum, I thought this was a good place to vent and get some the bull**** we as employees of Kroger sometimes endure off of our chests, but most of the topics here lately have been stupid....stupid questions ......stupid answers. You troll hard. I am probably done with this forum because its useless as far as far as getting an answer or even a good laugh now and then. Troll on grumpy one



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grumpy1 wrote:
BagBoy wrote:

Stop being such a dick grumpy.

 Now what you got to remember is this bagboy. When you have to deal with the public and some dumb ass employees all day, then you got to get it out somewhere. Can not do it at work so take it out on the cowards that have to hide around here.

 no, you don't. you let it fester up inside you until you have a mental breakdown to the point you get a crazy check from the government. it's all part of the master plan, bro.

Just realize that taking it out on the innocent anons you're hurting the sense of community and becoming the new madman_mundt. We help wayward souls and foster community. so that the anons want to be named. all you're doing is driving people away.

-- Edited by BagBoy on Sunday 18th of March 2012 10:10:06 AM


Would you like fries with th... I mean, your milk in a bag?



Why does this upset you so much?  You are the only person on the forum who cares whether I create a profile or not.

What does creating a profile really matter?  Does having one's own screen name really mean anything?

It could be claimed that you are a coward as well.  Why not register an account under your actual name?

In my case, it's not about cowardice.  You know Kroger employees, right?  It's about laziness.  Why should I bother to register an account when it appears to make no difference at all on my end?



Grumpy, since are such a smart, fully-balled man, would you mind telling me exactly what store / division you work at? Unless you are 'hiding behind your mamas skir..I mean screen name'  I'd like to have a chat with your store manager, at the very least I want to make sure I never transfer to the store you work in.  You fault your workers that don't follow kroger policy/programs yet I dont see you following our new internet policy. I'm also pretty sure your disgust for fellow coworkers isn't quite correct policy since you are in a managing position. Any and all information would be apreciated  


A proud, fellow, ANONYMOUS Kroger employee.



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Anonymous wrote:

Grumpy, since are such a smart, fully-balled man, would you mind telling me exactly what store / division you work at? Unless you are 'hiding behind your mamas skir..I mean screen name'  I'd like to have a chat with your store manager, at the very least I want to make sure I never transfer to the store you work in.  You fault your workers that don't follow kroger policy/programs yet I dont see you following our new internet policy. I'm also pretty sure your disgust for fellow coworkers isn't quite correct policy since you are in a managing position. Any and all information would be apreciated  


A proud, fellow, ANONYMOUS Kroger employee.


Now being the gutless wonder and coward you are, consider this. learn to read. my profile has the information that one would need to contact me as well as other posts that I have made. But then I do not hide behind a skirt or paranoid about what others have to say. Now the question is do you have the balls to create a profile and separate yourself from the dumb ass cowards that are here or continue to be a lazy ass troll.


As far as the company Internet policy, I am aware of it and have not created anything that would cause a problem with it. I have also gone over it with items that has been brought up with some in Kroger and the union. They know I am here. And what is your poor excuse for being here? Afraid to speak your mind or do you have a mind? But then in a previous post you have admitted to it being laziness on your part.


Seriously doubt that you are even a kroger employee. Probable a former piece of trash that was terminated or quit before you was terminated.



You're a ****ing idiot. A lot of people tell me that only morons work at Kroger their entire life, but I disagree with them because I know a lot of smart older people who work in my crew, but you prove the stereotype. The epitome of a holier-than-thou, nonsensical retard. You're from the south, right? Probably an inbred.


My name is Mike and I work at 708 in Dairy. Feel free to contact corporate so I can tell them how big of a jackass you are, too!



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Anonymous wrote:

My name is Mike and I work at 708 in Dairy. Feel free to contact corporate so I can tell them how big of a jackass you are, too!

 Now just create the profile. At leaart you are trying to show balls , if they are yours.



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Do you realize how much of an ass you're being? Do you honestly think this is any way to get members to come to the forum?

So now because someone doesn't sign up for a forum it makes them trash? Do you even hear what you're saying?

This isn't even funny anymore, at first I thought you were having a good laugh on us but nope, you need a timeout or something :P



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4hourrush wrote:

Do you realize how much of an ass you're being? Do you honestly think this is any way to get members to come to the forum?

So now because someone doesn't sign up for a forum it makes them trash? Do you even hear what you're saying?

This isn't even funny anymore, at first I thought you were having a good laugh on us but nope, you need a timeout or something :P

 I know what I am saying and still stand behind what I have said and will say. Not my problem if some can not hanble the truth or critisism. They can grow balls and stop hiding.


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Good Lord........... This makes me miss middle school



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Honestly Grumpy, stop feeding the trolls. The problem with the posts is that its creating a reaction that they feed upon. I posted anonymously for little time before I knew what kind of site I was getting involved in on the discussion of Kroger and the debates of the programs. Now that I know what type of community it is I decided to sign up and post.


My Views and Opinions do not reflect that of the Kroger company. I'm an indivdual expressing my 1st amendment right.




Thread****ting in every thread in the forum constitutes more trolling than all of the anonymous posts combined.



GO **** YOURSELF !!!

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