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Post Info TOPIC: kroger crosses line


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kroger crosses line

kroger is about to get sued.

store 434, in johns creek , GA, suspended a employee, for disrespectfull conduct


well, deal Is, said person has a medical condition, and the medications they take cause frequent, and on short notice trip to  the potty.

so ?

brilliant managemnt puts them in the one spot where you CAN't just make a emergency run to go.


they were supposssed to be deli, but management can't make plans, you know.

now, heres where it starts to get thick. this medical condition was explained to the hiring managemt, when the employee started, so they knew in advance. the plan, have them put in deli, easy to excuse yourself, with multiple people there, and there's a rest room right there.

but, store managemt changed in the week, and the new manager decided,In their words" not  to structure their store, around one person",

To prove the point, moved the person up front.

management informed the employeethey would just have to learn to "hold it" and they  would write the person up each time after two trips, the employee went to the restroom.

needless to say, a accident happened, as they tried to" hold it"

management claimed they did it on purpose, and suspended them.

managment was aware of the medical condition, before hiring, yet froced the employee into conditions they could not control, to prove a point, and got pissed ( ha ha ) when it got messy.

union was called,union wanted written doctors note, which was provided.

this was taken to second step greivence, only to have zone manager, brian owens, say" it's not krogers resonsability to baby sit adult bed wetters"

oh snap !

 under advice, the employee kept their cell phone on speaker during the meeting, and the statement was heard, so now, kroger getting sued.

medical discrimination

the union, has dropped the case, of course, since they won't be involved, in a civil case.

but the whole point is, agree or disagree with either empoyee, or kroger, they damage was done, by upper management doing what the do best, being insensative douces, and now it;s going to bite them

personally, i'm laughing , because how many times have we ALL got talked too like dogs, and wished"damn I wish people could hear this"

now, people just might, if they don't settle real quick and quite.

too bad, someone is spilling the beans, about this hush hush situationbiggrin

about timaemanagent was held accountable to how they talk to people

-- Edited by barada on Wednesday 21st of March 2012 05:39:28 AM

-- Edited by barada on Wednesday 21st of March 2012 05:39:46 AM

-- Edited by barada on Wednesday 21st of March 2012 05:40:31 AM



Imagine that! In spite of all their seminars and training the managers are sent to there are still mean-spirited, vindictive ones out there- and getting promoted and coddled along the way.  Especially beware of the long term upper mgmt (who have learned how to play the game and toe the line) who allow these type of mgrs to thrive as long as objectives are met. Keep us posted on the outcome of this rediculous treatment- it will be interesting to see what spin is put on this.



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Posts: 23

I could go either way with this one, although mostly against management.

First, management knew the situation going into the hiring of this employee. They were insensitive and showed lack of remorse when an incident happened.

But on the other hand, I know this might sound insensitive and I don't mean for it to be, there are appropriate garments the employee could wear if such a problem arises. Unless the employee is self-conscious and feels that those things are for old people, then I don't know what to say about it.

BTW, I tried to find a link to this story for a more in-depth understanding of the case but I couldn't find it.
Could you post it for me and/or others?

I'm not like this because I work here,
I work here because I'm like this.


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Posts: 23

Thanks for that wonderful comment on such a serious topic, faux Grumpy.
You must REALLY like that picture you keep posting, as many times as it's on here.
Don't let your mother see it when she comes down to the basement
to bring you your dinner.

I'm not like this because I work here,
I work here because I'm like this.


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Posts: 2889

i just block every new image that guy comes up with. Thank god for adblock image block!

....but back on topic....

It's management's fault, all the way. They knew, hired and refused to accommodate. When you got to go you got to go. Discrimination is a serious offense and I hope the manager(s) get fired for their insensitivity.


Would you like fries with th... I mean, your milk in a bag?


Status: Offline
Posts: 488

as of right now, they are still working on just who they wanna go after.

this only happened moday, a week ago, so the lawyer working for dude, is still in the planning stages.

most likely,they will do for kroger in general, for money, but  far as people getting the blunt, they want the zone manager, since he blantly made a discrimination comment.

brian owens the zone manager, is a first class ass, i should know, he handled my termination.

he has always been bullet proof before, so i don;t know how far kroger will cover for him

I have no doubt kroger will settle, just to keep this quite.

word of this gets out, into the general media, and they will feast on it.

I doubt there is any links onlne to it yet, only reason i know, is I know the guy personally.

 we worked together at pizza hut, and i told him, not to go to kroger, that it sucked there, but he went anyway

when he said he got the suspension, i gave him the advise, keep your cell phone on speaker, with someone listening, at his meeting.

wonder if i get a cut....


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