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new co-manager power trip

So we got a new co manager a couple months ago. Well recently I haven't got along with my gm manager so I avoid her(she tried to get too close and im uncomfortable) well the co manager said I have to either get along with her or find a new store. Basically that I don't have the option to transfer to another dept. (What I planned on doing, and have talked to the grocery manager and he wants me.) sounds sketchy to me that I don't have the option to transfer depts since everyone else has that option when either they have problems or need help in other depts. Also the store manager said we'll have to work something out me leaving isn't an option. Have any input?



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Posts: 297

"she tried to get too close and i'm uncomfortable". does this mean that she's trying to get in your pants? if so tell your store manager...don't come out and say it, but hint around at a sexual harassment claim and then the problem should solve itself



No she would tell me about her past sex life, try to force me to hug her even after I was clear for her not to touch me, then buy my lunch or tell me she drove past my house, and tell me her kind wants to come watch football at my house or telling me I love her though I don't care about her. I'm 21 she's in her late 40's im very uneasy around her. So I avoid her. I don't wanna be a prick and straight up tell her.  But yea..



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Posts: 2889

sexual harassment. you have to make it clear.


Would you like fries with th... I mean, your milk in a bag?



definitely sexual harassment with a little stalking on the side. then u get a greenhorn co that still is floatin high from all the smoke they blew up his ass when they hired him. must be some sort of alliance between co and ur dept. head. - tread lightly and refuse to banter with him/her.

BEFORE you do anything- go back and document everything- dates, times, subject matter, etc..then u are obligated to tell ur dept. head that she is making u feel uncomfortable and that you want that to stop- tell her you just want a strictly business relationship so you can both concentrate on your work. There's an outside chance it will stop there.

But if it doesn't:

Sounds like you might be able to talk to your manager BUT he/she will side with co and dept mgr to keep an embarassing situation quiet. Your actual best move is to contact your division HR and ask for a private meeting to discuss this unpleasant situation- Just be prepared for the outcome- it's a lose-lose situation- they will lie through their teeth to cover their butts- the mgr. will also deny any knowledge- remember if the store has a problem then he looks bad for not nipping it in the bud. HR may act like they are on your side but be careful- the company's interest comes first at all times- front line employees are a dime a dozen to them. Good Luck- there are plenty of other retail jobs out there for you.



what the last poster forgot to tell u was that if they have anything at all on u such as work performance, attendance, not following policy, other conflicts wit other employees then it will be spun to be all about u.

sound like ur dept head has been down this road before and survived any consequences. like to tell u dat u could win this battle but if past history is any indicator then ur odds are 40-60 at best. in all the stores i've worked in there's always been a lot of adultery and "friends with benefits" some even amongst the mgt and their "favorites". with all the councils and mtgs and on going trainings u'd think the top dawgs would offer up some ethics training and not just business ethics.. somedays I feel like I'm workin on the set of a cheap/sleazy soap opera....

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