Mitt Witt gets in only the richest of the rich will have money. Say goodbye to Welfare, Medicare and Social Security and the whole middle class and all the poor.
so i logged in to express hr today to check my pay and it says that I am at 9.40 current rate and that my next pay rate is 7.80. wtf
My last 3 checks and current check my pay rate was 9.60 and should be 9.60.
is anyone else seeing this?
wat do?
Is it possible you went from full time to part time? I know at my old store one of the baggers who had ebbn with the company for 13 yrs lost his full time status and lost over $1.00 an hr in pay and his benefits becaue he worked less than 40 hrs a week over 12 weeks. It may be something to look into if you are/were classified full time. I believe if that is the case if you work the 12 weeks or whatever it is in your division per contract at 40 hrs your pay should go back up. Have your HR/ASP/CSM whichever you have check this out for you.