Has anyone else out there noticed a trend of people from other countries using Food Stamps and Wic. I live in an area where we have a good size population of people from around the world. Please don't take me the wrong way. I have nothing against these people. I just can't understand why we have children going hungry in America. Their parents can't get any help. But yet others not even born here seem to have no problem getting help form the system. I see this every day through the register. The other thing I have noticed is every Friday a large group of Hispanic construction workers come to the office and send $4000 to $5000 dollars via Western Union to Mexico. None of them speak any English so I have to get someone on the phone from WU to understand what they want me to do. They do not have to even show any ID that they are legal to be here. I would like to know if anybody else has noticed this?
It is by design the NWO is destroying our country, go to www.infowars.com and you will see what I'm talking about. They are giving the illegals all kinds of freebies and bankrupting us. Plus if they get stopped for traffic violations or anything the law has orders to let them go, and the American people are treated like trash. Sorry to rant but it is true and I'm the guy that posted earlier on a post titled "Hispanic guy messes with me." Amigo is probably here illegally he is old and doesn't speak English and his son will not let him have a day off and they send their money to Mexico too. They are here to drive down our wages and there is nothing we can do about it, if you turn them into ICE the government will just give them a green card and let them stay.
I've thought about turning in Amigo but nothing would happen.
Thats nothing.Where i am in luisiana we hve aribic men and women who own almost all of the small conveineance stores in the area comming in nd buying their groceries and supplies to resale in their stores tax free and paing for them with food stamps and reselling them even kroger products in teir stores and chrging taxes on them but not reporting the taxes and dont even ask for a receipt in their store cause u wont get one the will say my printers broke or im out of paper.
Thats nothing.Where i am in luisiana we hve aribic men and women who own almost all of the small conveineance stores in the area comming in nd buying their groceries and supplies to resale in their stores tax free and paing for them with food stamps and reselling them even kroger products in teir stores and chrging taxes on them but not reporting the taxes and dont even ask for a receipt in their store cause u wont get one the will say my printers broke or im out of paper.
If you even suspect this to be true, you should IMMEDIATELY turn these pricks into the I.R.S. Trust me: They will comb thru that place with a barbed-wire toilet brush and a procto scope big enough to see Pluto!
Not when the state coffers run out of of money---which they assuredly will.
This isn't a race issue (there is a sickeningly increasing number of young white people on the Public Tit), it is a mathematical problem. And it has been brewing for well over five decades, quickly boiling to explosion.
I remember, 20-plus years ago, when Kroger used to allow only generic Government sunsidised food to be bought with public aid. Now it's Porter House steaks, King Snow Crab legs and pretty much anything else that has not been prepprepared. BULLSHIIIIIIIIT.
It absolutely pisses me off when i'll see people on food stamps and come in to buy Prime Beef Ribeye for $15.49 / lb. I firmly believe food stamps should be very well limited to what can be bought such as canned soda, cookies, chips (excludes tortilla chips), cakes and ice cream. It sucks that my taxes go for fund the food stamp program, yet im reduced to eat cheap meals.
My Views and Opinions do not reflect that of the Kroger company. I'm an indivdual expressing my 1st amendment right.
I work in management and you have no idea how much BILE I have to vomit into my hand when dealing with this crap. The second anonymous poster in this thread wrote some very powerful things, and that person is right: We ARE doomed as a viable country if we keep on this way. I'll leave my politics there.
If you're in management I feel your pain. I've seen it many of times where people on food stamps closely look at their bill and if they're charged just over 1 cent they will raise all kinds of hell.
My Views and Opinions do not reflect that of the Kroger company. I'm an indivdual expressing my 1st amendment right.
preach it!! i work at kroger and i see the food stamp people buying crab legs, lobster, top quality beef and all kinds of junk food - things i can't normally afford because i "make too much" to qualify for food stamps. LOL not like i would want to live like that anyways
If you looked into it and know you "make too much" then apparently you did.
Personally, it doesn't' matter to me. Whether or not you buy $100 in lobster or $100 in fruits and veggies, it's the same amount of money. If someone wastes their benefits on one night of splurging and doesn't have anything the rest of the month that's their mistake.
The first few days of every month are always horrible. Not only is there senior day, but most people on food stamps seem to like to blow their whole load at once. It wouldn't be so bad if we'd schedule enough people, but we never do.
I like to see if I can guess if a person is going to use food stamps or not. Crab legs are a huge tip-off.
Today I helped a lady with her groceries to her car. She was driving a new BMW and had a diamond ring on her finger big enough to choke a horse. Over $450 dollars of top name products and all paid for with Food Stamps.
It is seriously none of your business why people are on any public assistance (which we all benefit from in some form or another). It is also none of your business how they spend it.
Be glad they are spending it in your stores, because I guarantee if it all dried up tomorrow, you'd be facing layoffs in your stores.
anyone employed with a full time job pretty much automatically makes too much to qualify for public assistance, retard
Resort to namecalling all you want Mr. Anonymous but you're wrong. There's a lot of people who work full time, but might only make minimum wage. And they are eligible for food stamps.
Not everyone on food stamps is some trashy bum who just doesn't want to get a job.
It is seriously none of your business why people are on any public assistance (which we all benefit from in some form or another). It is also none of your business how they spend it. Be glad they are spending it in your stores, because I guarantee if it all dried up tomorrow, you'd be facing layoffs in your stores.
It is my business until my tax dollars stop the free loaders from abusing the system. This is why I am not actively against abortion, because they do not occur through my tax dollars. Anything that has to do with using my part of the tax money IS my business and this includes anything from Medaid, Medicare, Social Security, Healthcare, WIC, etc.
My Views and Opinions do not reflect that of the Kroger company. I'm an indivdual expressing my 1st amendment right.
It is seriously none of your business why people are on any public assistance (which we all benefit from in some form or another). It is also none of your business how they spend it. Be glad they are spending it in your stores, because I guarantee if it all dried up tomorrow, you'd be facing layoffs in your stores.
It is my business until my tax dollars stop the free loaders from abusing the system. This is why I am not actively against abortion, because they do not occur through my tax dollars. Anything that has to do with using my part of the tax money IS my business and this includes anything from Medaid, Medicare, Social Security, Healthcare, WIC, etc.
Congratulations, that makes you a fascist. The republic in which we live basically works like this - you elect leaders to set public policy, including how the tax money is spent. You do this in good faith that with their knowledge, resources, and the public good in mind, they will make decisions that represent the needs of the majority (whether they understand this or not). Let's just throw out the fact that isn't how it works in real life - that's how it's SUPPOSED to work.
So, except in the cases of malfeasance or otherwise amoral conduct, your vote, your speech, and your dollars are what decides how stuff is done. And if you don't agree with that, then tough luck - maybe next time people with your personal agenda in mind will get elected.
We all benefit from one form of social welfare or another, if not directly, than through our family members, neighbors and friends. You want to go through and make sure every kid on a state scholarship hasn't tried smoking pot at least once in their college careers? Should we demand receipts from senior citizens? What about kids who receive social security checks until they're 18 because they lost a parent, should we be hassling them as well?
My personal opinion is that abuse of programs like SNAP (which is actually an agricultural subsidy) is not as widespread as those who would do away with them completely would have you believe. It's a total straw man conjured up to allow more of the social safety net to be stripped away by special interests. And in the cases that are abusing the system? Yes, they need to be rooted out. But it needs to be done so on a case-by-case basis, with the rights of the people carefully observed. I also don't have time in my day to worry about those cases, especially in the face of all of the BILLIONS of dollars in tax payer money that are wasted on the robber barons that have gamed the system so that they can privatize their profits and socialize their losses. Social welfare is a drop in the bucket compared to corporate welfare - why aren't you all whining about that instead?
Furthermore, I recognize that those dollars, whether spent responsibly or irresponsibly, are best spent in MY store, where they go toward keeping my coworkers gainfully employed.
There is absolutely no question that we have an obligations, for the continued success of our country, to make sure that our tax dollars are being spent sensibly and responsibly. But if you're going to draw a line in the sand somewhere, I choose to draw it on this side of the slippery slope. Then again, I'm not a fan of armchair fascism.
It is seriously none of your business why people are on any public assistance (which we all benefit from in some form or another). It is also none of your business how they spend it. Be glad they are spending it in your stores, because I guarantee if it all dried up tomorrow, you'd be facing layoffs in your stores.
It is my business until my tax dollars stop the free loaders from abusing the system. This is why I am not actively against abortion, because they do not occur through my tax dollars. Anything that has to do with using my part of the tax money IS my business and this includes anything from Medaid, Medicare, Social Security, Healthcare, WIC, etc.
Congratulations, that makes you a fascist. The republic in which we live basically works like this - you elect leaders to set public policy, including how the tax money is spent. You do this in good faith that with their knowledge, resources, and the public good in mind, they will make decisions that represent the needs of the majority (whether they understand this or not). Let's just throw out the fact that isn't how it works in real life - that's how it's SUPPOSED to work.
So, except in the cases of malfeasance or otherwise amoral conduct, your vote, your speech, and your dollars are what decides how stuff is done. And if you don't agree with that, then tough luck - maybe next time people with your personal agenda in mind will get elected.
We all benefit from one form of social welfare or another, if not directly, than through our family members, neighbors and friends. You want to go through and make sure every kid on a state scholarship hasn't tried smoking pot at least once in their college careers? Should we demand receipts from senior citizens? What about kids who receive social security checks until they're 18 because they lost a parent, should we be hassling them as well?
My personal opinion is that abuse of programs like SNAP (which is actually an agricultural subsidy) is not as widespread as those who would do away with them completely would have you believe. It's a total straw man conjured up to allow more of the social safety net to be stripped away by special interests. And in the cases that are abusing the system? Yes, they need to be rooted out. But it needs to be done so on a case-by-case basis, with the rights of the people carefully observed. I also don't have time in my day to worry about those cases, especially in the face of all of the BILLIONS of dollars in tax payer money that are wasted on the robber barons that have gamed the system so that they can privatize their profits and socialize their losses. Social welfare is a drop in the bucket compared to corporate welfare - why aren't you all whining about that instead?
Furthermore, I recognize that those dollars, whether spent responsibly or irresponsibly, are best spent in MY store, where they go toward keeping my coworkers gainfully employed.
There is absolutely no question that we have an obligations, for the continued success of our country, to make sure that our tax dollars are being spent sensibly and responsibly. But if you're going to draw a line in the sand somewhere, I choose to draw it on this side of the slippery slope. Then again, I'm not a fan of armchair fascism.
I didn't realize that I was running for the independent vote for office since I only named a few examples of why i involve myself when tax dollars are at hand. I've never been called 'facists', i've been told I lean towards more socialist. What I propose is making people accountable with food stamps and have them stop abusing the system. The thing about food stamps is its not about luxury it is about survival. It seems apparent you're not very familar to what a plutocracy is so allow me to define it for you.
I believe that citizens deserve and need our help, but there should be limitations at what can be bought with food stamps. There are plenty of selections out there that can be bought. I'm just saying they shouldn't be able to buy Middle Steaks, Sodas, and Candy.
Corporate Welfare is important too and they should all be held acccountable. The worse of the worse is Walmart. They cost us billions of dollars each year with the low wages they provide for their associates along with all the jobs that were shipped to produce the piece of trash Chinesse made products. Don't think that Kroger isn't guility about it either.
My Views and Opinions do not reflect that of the Kroger company. I'm an indivdual expressing my 1st amendment right.
This type of thing could be prevented by using the barcode system. Just as the EBT card can tell whether the recipient is trying to buy beer or bread, it can also tell whether they are trying to buy hamburger meat or lobster. The trick is to change the barcodes for those expensive items and restrict them within the EBT system.
The problem Cathy is that government law prevents us from blocking such transaction because its not a hot prepared food. The law would have to change to allow retailers to limit such items in a transaction.
My Views and Opinions do not reflect that of the Kroger company. I'm an indivdual expressing my 1st amendment right.
If they want hot prepared food, diapers, beer, or cigarettes all they do is use their "Cash Account". Doesn't the Food Stamp Office know that when they gave them a Cash Account they would do that?