This week we found out that all the Kroger managers in our area are now getting secratarys to do all their key retailing paper work for them. Also they will be responsible for passing out reports at the department meetings. This is a 40 hour a week job. Has anybody else out there heard about this and what is your opinion?
been a program that I have heard about 6 month agao. Our store just got our managers secretary?
I do like the idea as it does free up management to be on the floor more and ability to manage better and see problems that need taken care of.
Last I had seen of the ELMs report ( two years ago ) store management ( director, co`s and associate) needed almost 800 elm`s hours just to com-lete the management tasks. A secretary does hepl with the administation parts of Elms. That frees up management to attempt to the other items.
are we talking about something different from the ASP? because i've been with the company over 5 years and our division has had ASPs (essentially glorified secretaries) since before i started.
Yes ASP ! holy mother of a f'in crackhead ! how many x's r u going to ask that ? ... abd ASP have plenty of stuff to do in 40 hrs just hopefully you have a nice 1