the front end manager messed up my vaction now i have to hope my store manager fixes it or lets my off thanksgiving week or i have to wait till after thanks giving
you are gonna have to wait til after thanksgiving reason cause thanksgiving is a blackout week you can't take it during the time greedy kroger has to make all its money before christmas!
Under my contract, vacations are allowed 52 weeks out of the year. Management does have the right to limit the number of people who can take a certain week though, but they have to allow at least one person to take a vacation. Also, if the vacation was marked and approved by management back when the vacation was scheduled, they can't make you give it up unless there are extinuating circumstances e.g. several people are out sick.
We have no "black outs" dog gets dibs..
Awesome, but I bet it's the same person every year....we have a couple people who find a week that someone else already has chosen and chooses it, pulls rank and gets it. One lady knew this guy had already paid for a trip and still chose his week. Luckily the DH got it worked out so they could both go.
the front end manager messed up my vaction now i have to hope my store manager fixes it or lets my off thanksgiving week or i have to wait till after thanks giving
what does your contract say? Way our contract has is no black out days at all. Schedueled vacations has to be submitted before the first of February.If it is nit scheduled then you are at the mercy or management. If schedule then it can not be changed without you, management and the union all agreeing to it.
I have scheduled fourth of July, memorial day week, , christmas, Thanksgiving and spring break each does not like it but that is their probllem. I always change it and make shure there is no problems with my crew getting there vacations when they want it. If I have a problem with management letting my crew taking their vacations then I take the holoday weeks off. If they are willing to work with me on changing my vatation(s) or my crew then I saty right on the time and will take the time off and really screw kroger. If not then I will take the last two weeks as days and change the others to suit myself and kroger. Think is that once they are set they can not be changes unless every one agrees. They will gladly work with you if you have the holidays scheduled off and you have no assistant, true cutter and no one available to cover you from another store.
Never jacked with me but did try to refuse one of my clerks from a vacation once because of a holiday and her family comming to visit her. I gave up one of my holiday weeks for another so she would get off when she needed.
And the one reason that the union is to be agreed on the change ( as a third party ) is to make shure that you really do want to change and not kroger trying to force you to change your mind.
Under my contract, vacations are allowed 52 weeks out of the year. Management does have the right to limit the number of people who can take a certain week though, but they have to allow at least one person to take a vacation. Also, if the vacation was marked and approved by management back when the vacation was scheduled, they can't make you give it up unless there are extinuating circumstances e.g. several people are out sick.
This is true with us too, but if we have someone that wants to take a week off in the meat department, then it does not matter how many others want the same week in the rest of the store. We are separate from the rest of the store and on a differant contract.