UFCW Local 700 Indianapolis Kroger Bargaining Update
On Tuesday, December 11, UFCW Local 700 resumed bargaining with Kroger for the Indianapolis Kroger agreement.
During our last negotiations session, Kroger gave us a proposal to which we responded today, agreeing to very little as it was littered with concessions. Our objective is to bargain a contract protecting livable wages, affordable health care, and retirement security for our members - we do not achieve this through the concessions suggested by the Company.
In addition to receiving the Company's response to our proposal, we gave them another wage proposal, new pension language that reflects the rules of the new UFCW Consolidated Pension Fund for clerks, and new AUCR rates that will secure pension benefits for the National Meat Pension.
We also continue our analysis of and research regarding the impact of the Affordable Care Act in an effort to secure the highest quality, most affordable benefits we are able. Today we presented a conceptual health care proposal where co-premiums remain the same, earlier qualification for benefits (including ancillary, like dental and vision), and promotion of healthier habits.
While we intend to break from negotiations over the holidays, we scheduled a significant number of bargaining dates in January and February. Although bargaining this agreement may seem slow, UFCW Local 700 has approached negotiations in a consistent, thoughtful, deliberate manner. We want to ensure that we achieve the best contract we can, and that the requirements and details of applicable legislation are thoroughly considered and addressed. It is our position that a new agreement should include retro pay.
The Indianapolis Kroger contract covers approximately 6,000 members of UFCW Local 700 working in Indianapolis Area Kroger stores; the health care language and provisions cover an additional 4,000 Kroger workers throughout the Hoosier State.
Thank you for all that you do to protect the benefits of our contract and to build a stronger union. As always, should you have any questions, please contact your Union Representative.