I don't know if its my store but they are trying to cut cashier hours to 16 if your part time. We are a big store with a whole lot of customers and extreeemly high sales. They have just added 8 new cashiers. What to do.
we arent guranteed any hours on our contract in VA. but if they do give you any hours the minimum is 4. so they can choose zero or 4... but anyways, they can do what they want theres nothin you can really do except have a conversation with your manager
I left Kroger for the 3rd time about 10 months ago... at that time, we were told (could have been fabricated, though) that part time hours would be reduced across the board to accomodate new regulations due to Obamacare... supposedly if you are part-time and work less than so many hours a week, the company/Union can avoid penalties and the responsibility of gaining insurance coverage falls on the employee, as they would be able to have their insurance subsidized.
Could have been Union rhetoric, though, but after 15 years of Kroger BS it wouldn't surprise me.
-- Edited by ExKrogerSlave on Wednesday 8th of May 2013 08:15:30 AM
I recall a segment on KTV like four or five months ago where it was openly televised that Kroger aims to reduce and eliminate all full time employees by something like 2014 or 2015.
Come 2014, I expect companies like Kroger to take advantage of the language of the healthcare law and reduce the hours of all part time employees so that they can avoid the costs associated with the law. All part time help will likely be kept under twenty-five hours a week and not be permitted to add hours.