I have been with Kroger little bit now and I recently finished my degree in IT/Networking and I remember being told when I was first hired that Kroger has an IT department and as an employee it might be easier for me to move into a position working there. I actually have some previous experience in the IT field so I have good reason to think I might be properly qualified for this and I am sure it would be better than night shift frozen clerk! My question in regards to this, is what exactly does this IT department involve ? Do they have multiple "teams" scattered throughout various locations per state, or is it more of a central office kind of thing where they do 90% of their work via VPN, etc ? I found a few listings on some random jobs listing site for things like HTML/Flash design stuff but it was all for the Cincinnati location which is quite far from me. Does Kroger list its IT department openings with the rest of its job listings or is there a separate page for that ? Thanks for the help in advance!
Yes there is a large IT department. Their openings will be listed on the corporate job posting page which is accessed through KWEB from a store computer.