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My paranormal experiences at Kroger!!!

I work on night crew stocking and I used to listen to coast to coast am from midnight to four in the morning, it is a radio show that deals with a lot of paranormal stuff, like Bigfoot and aliens and ghosts.

 Well, I  had to give up listening to it because things got freaky at work, I did my own paranormal investigations and was able to audio record ghosts, like a dead co-manager.  The man died young 35years old and in his sleep, I asked him if Kroger caused his death and I got a answer, he said, "God Bless Kroger!"  so, I guess he didn't blame them.

What got real freaky was I  started hearIng voices audibly with my own ears without a recorder, the first time I was stocking and I  heard a female voice saying my name, and I jump out of my shoes and ran to my grocery manager and told him what just happened.  He said he believed me and that some cans kept falling off the top self and hit him when he was stocking the bottom shelf.

And I can prove it to my co-workers I can make a recording right there in front of them then play it back to them and they can  hear the EVP ghost recordings. And I've played them to my religious co-workers and they say it is demonic, and I agree with them on it. Because now if I make a recording and say, "Praise Jesus!"  I played back the recording and I heard a demonic voice screaming that "IT HURTS!" and "I HATE YOU!"  And I play those to my co-workers and it makes believers out of them.



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Would you like fries with th... I mean, your milk in a bag?


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How about NO?!?



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I am now thoroughly creeped out for the night! I've had a couple experiences in my own store myself and so have many of my coworkers. Nothing as creepy as your story though.



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If this is actually true, don't do anything to piss them off. Or if they're already worked up, wear crosses if it makes you feel


How about NO?!?



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I miss Art Bell when 'Coast to Coast' was his show. You should Google the Father Malachi Martin episode; this guy was a former real-life excorcist. And M A N does he have some creepy stories to tell!


Mother Earth needs to douche.




Yes, I started listening to Art a few years ago just before he retired and passed it on to George Noory.  Art played re-runs of Malichi Martin and he talked about Martin dying under mysterious circumstances like being murdered. I quit listening to coast2coastam and for the last couple of years I have been listening to

Omegaman has a deliverance ministry and he does exorcisms almost every night on callers that call in needing help getting rid  of their demons.  When the demons manifest the persons voice changes and they will curse and they will also gag like they are vomiting. Omegaman says that the gagging reflex is the demons leaving the body, because they have to leave in the name of JESUS!!!  I listen to omegaman on my iPod at work an decided to pray along on a mass deliverance  and I started having the  dry heaves trying to vommit and I had this light nice feeling afterward like I did get rid of something. 



Well that's why u shouldn't smoke the ganga or snort meth while at work.



This is the OP again, ghosts and evil spirits are real, and here is a video from youtube but it is not my video.  It is a ghost light that I have also investigated on my own all alone, and it is real!!!  I went in the middle of the week at between 3am-4am, and no holidays, and school was in so there was no teens out trying to fake people out.  The road is 60 miles northeast of Houston in the Big Thicket and I have heard of people seeing Bigfoot down that road too!!!



Son, you ever stop to think that some folks aren't known for much so when they see a chance to get their 15 mins of fame even if it takes going on live TV or animal planet channel to talk about bigfoot, a devil vampire dog, human sized praying mantis they saw then they are going to do it. Sure KR is a partner with Satan and the store is built on an Indian burial site, but a little bit of warped thinking and clever knowhow in a bored associate with an inside person to help such as ur highly educated comgr with a 4 year B.S. in B.S. would explain this silliness.

You ever notice how they never find any corpses of bigfoots- no female or baby bigfoots following along behind daddy bigfoot, no bigfoot ever caught in traps that would hold even an elephant? Any record or tape played backwards can be heard as saying demonic phrases or moaning for help. The reason Coast to Coast show is so popular is that people up all night are really bored and need something weird to hold their interest.

But what should really scare u is that ur having to sling cans on shelves in the middle of the night for low wages when most people are at home sleeping like ur body intends for u to be. U show me a person that has working many years on that appropriately named "graveyard shift" and I'll show u a person who is a social misfit, physically and mentally off, it knocks years off ur life and makes for a dysfunctional family setting.... look for better, greener pastures now!



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with all the murdered hopes, and slain dreams of a future kroger has comitted, is it any wonder all stores arn't haunted?



I used to work at another store that was situated right next to an old 1800's cemetery. It was a small independent store, and at night, I'd work night crew and on a couple days, I'd be the only guy in the store "levelling aisles" (totally different from Kroger!). If it would storm at 3AM, I'd hear weird things in different parts of the store. Sometimes I'd think someone else was in the store. I would think I heard someone walk by as I was conditioning an aisle. Then, I'd go to the end of the aisle, and there was no one there...It kinda freaks you out when you're the only one in there late at night...Sadly, that chain went bust, but I still think about those nights once in a while...

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