I ended up calling in 40 minutes before my scheduled shift. I couldnt handle it. I was on the toilet all day. He kept insisting that they need me or what not.
He's writing me up for not giving an hours notice. Is this okay by union standards? Hes also tried preventing my transfer. Etc. Im transfering in a few days anyways. does he really, 'have no other choice? i cant pick. i have to follow a policy."?
seriously, there's a reason why you have the most grievances filed against you.
Yes, you have to give at least an hour's notice (two in some areas).
and you generally can't transfer if involved in the disciplinary process, though the union could probably facilitate that process for you if it's your first offense.
In my store its 2 hours before hand..... So they can cover the hours.....and if its your 1st offense in my store you would just get a S.I.R more less a slap on wrist....
Either you call off with at least 1 hour notice, or you show up. It's life. I usually call off with an additional 15-30 minutes in case they play the whole "let's just let the phone ring and hope the person hangs up" game. The reason why they have the 1 hour notice policy is so that they can call down their list of people that are off so they can make an effort to cover your shift. I usually let the phone ring at my house, I don't even answer it unless I'm really short on hours.
all you owe them is a call before your shift...call your union rep and let them know they are trying to bully you! look folks you can stand up and know your rights! read your contract and have the power...