I woke up with a cold this morning. The kind where my nose is running and I'm constantly coughing. I work in the meat department. If they see that I'm sick will they still want me around the meat? I can't call in because I'm still on the probation period and they said if you call in during it you would be fired. Besides, I have to speak with a manager today about my schedule for this week, so not going isn't an option. Should I go and ask to leave early? Or will they send me home if I am visibly sick?
-- Edited by Justin72 on Saturday 30th of November 2013 08:53:41 AM
I thought people were joking when they said working for Kroger sucks...
I would call and explain your situation and ask them what the best course of action for you would be.
I've gone in sick before, and just had to bring a box of kleenex and wash my hands VERY often. Any time I touched my face or anything or blew my nose (don't blow your nose in sight of customers though obviously).
If you're THAT sick they might say you can go home but i've never seen it happen before.
I've asked to go home, seriously, 3 times since i've worked at kroger - twice, of which, I ended up in the hospital for a week or more. I'd call and ask what they would rather me do. Make sure to talk to the manager on duty.
-- Edited by BagBoy on Saturday 30th of November 2013 08:00:39 PM
Would you like fries with th... I mean, your milk in a bag?
Talk to the manager on duty if you feel that you are too sick to be handling uncooked meat. I've been sent home all of 1 time, on Halloween, because I came in with a huge fever. My face was red, I was coughing and I couldn't even talk and the assistant store manager immediately sent me home. But I didn't just wake up like that, it was just the worst day of the illness, so I was in work for about 3 days before this happened. Just bring a lot of hand sanitizers and tissues with you. Grab some DayQuil and Vicks if you can't breathe too well and rub it on your nose. Be prepared for customers looking at you like you're a leper.
Either call or go in. If you call explain the situation and ask if they'd still like you to come in. If they say no, then they'll know you at least asked if they'd like you to come in. Especially if you are on probation.
If you go in person let them know of the situation. What they'd like you to do and go from there