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Post Info TOPIC: Gettin' real tired REAL FAST!!


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Posts: 2634
Gettin' real tired REAL FAST!!

Ok, I am currently on an unpaid "vacation" of sorts. The reason? I bought a 6 pak beer after work and shoved it into my backpack in the break room. I was off the clock and shoved it in there before going to the toilet. Yeah I could have taken it out then and there but I had to go bad. Anyway I came out of restroom to be greeted by security and led to manager office where my backpack was and my pack of beer sitting outside of it. They were going to suspend me for drinking! I shows them my receipt and that I was off so there fore it was null and void. I flat out told them I REFUSE to sign jack **** on the suspension papers. Bad move. Not only am I STILL suspended I have a "refuses to sign" in my file. Management told me I am suspended until they straighten this out. My other co workers sat that means "until they get your walking papers ready. In short it's a njce way of saying adios, buh-bye. If they "TRY" to fire me I WILL seek legal maters. I have proof I was off the clock and have my recipes. I contacted union already.


How about NO?!?



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Posts: 1454

I always like your posts, and I hope you come out ok on this issue......But it feels like something is missing here. Plus, I'm curious as to why you didn't just take your back pack with you to the bathroom, then just l e a v e for the day.


Mother Earth needs to douche.



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Posts: 2634

Lol. Thanks.

But on the serious side I had to go bad. Yea I could have taken it with me and I should have. It's just that I am super pusses that even though I have a receipt, the pack was unopened, and it was off, they STILL suspended me. Go figure. EVEN A PRE-SCHOOLER would know the difference between " mine" "his" and "yours"

It's not that hard of a concept.


How about NO?!?



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Posts: 1454

Yeah, I agree. I'm guessing there's some policy on keeping even paid-for, off the clock alcoholic beverages in the break room. If that's the case, and that policy isn't clearly posted or has been other wise made aware to the employees, then I think there lies your winning fight.

Again: Hope this works out for you~


Mother Earth needs to douche.



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Posts: 3390

Honestly, it seems like you're a ****-stirrer (I don't mean this negatively against you, at all, i'm saying that it seems you have the guts to stand up to them) and they just want any reason to get rid of you.

But i hope you win this.



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Posts: 267

Don't you know drinking is bad for you?



mega-kitteh wrote:

Ok, I am currently on an unpaid "vacation" of sorts. The reason? I bought a 6 pak beer after work and shoved it into my backpack in the break room. I was off the clock and shoved it in there before going to the toilet. Yeah I could have taken it out then and there but I had to go bad. Anyway I came out of restroom to be greeted by security and led to manager office where my backpack was and my pack of beer sitting outside of it. They were going to suspend me for drinking! I shows them my receipt and that I was off so there fore it was null and void. I flat out told them I REFUSE to sign jack **** on the suspension papers. Bad move. Not only am I STILL suspended I have a "refuses to sign" in my file. Management told me I am suspended until they straighten this out. My other co workers sat that means "until they get your walking papers ready. In short it's a njce way of saying adios, buh-bye. If they "TRY" to fire me I WILL seek legal maters. I have proof I was off the clock and have my recipes. I contacted union already.


Didn't you have a run in with security a few months back?  Or, was that 4hourrush?



Anonymous wrote:
mega-kitteh wrote:

Ok, I am currently on an unpaid "vacation" of sorts. The reason? I bought a 6 pak beer after work and shoved it into my backpack in the break room. I was off the clock and shoved it in there before going to the toilet. Yeah I could have taken it out then and there but I had to go bad. Anyway I came out of restroom to be greeted by security and led to manager office where my backpack was and my pack of beer sitting outside of it. They were going to suspend me for drinking! I shows them my receipt and that I was off so there fore it was null and void. I flat out told them I REFUSE to sign jack **** on the suspension papers. Bad move. Not only am I STILL suspended I have a "refuses to sign" in my file. Management told me I am suspended until they straighten this out. My other co workers sat that means "until they get your walking papers ready. In short it's a njce way of saying adios, buh-bye. If they "TRY" to fire me I WILL seek legal maters. I have proof I was off the clock and have my recipes. I contacted union already.


Didn't you have a run in with security a few months back?  Or, was that 4hourrush?

 Also, if that was you that had the run in with secuirity, use that as a reason for trying to burn you with this.  The term is retalliation.  I would hope the union would stand behind you.

Never a good idea to buy alcohol where you work and then reenter employee areas with merchandise..



Status: Offline
Posts: 3390

Yeah, that was him on that too.



You invite abuse by your actions. Buying beer and then taking it to breakroom was an attempt to draw attention and give you a platform for drama.
Good luck at your next job and how about trying this method; Go to work, don't run your mouth, do a good job and respect the needs of the business.
Get off work, don't do or say anything sensational- just leave. If you need beer/wine/ potato chips then stop at a liquor store, drugstore, convenience store, then go home and enjoy life- we are not on this planet to make our jobs consume a major part of our free time. Retail jobs are non-rewarding, menial, micro- managed jobs for part time folks - those that try and make it their life are and will continue to be disappointed especially Drama Queen types.



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Posts: 2634

Update: the gorillas decided to check the tapes and it was determined that I was in the right. They called me up and gave me my schedule and even back pay. I wanted to tell them next time to pay more attention but decided to keep quiet and consider this lesson lerned. I report back to work next week when the schedule starts anew. Thanks for all the advice.


How about NO?!?




mega-kitteh wrote:

Update: the gorillas decided to check the tapes and it was determined that I was in the right. They called me up and gave me my schedule and even back pay. I wanted to tell them next time to pay more attention but decided to keep quiet and consider this lesson lerned. I report back to work next week when the schedule starts anew. Thanks for all the advice.

 Excellent news.  I am glad it worked out for you.

Yah, keep your powder dry.  And stay under the radar!!

I get nervous because Key Retailing has added tasks to my normal duties.  My signature is on some of the duties so that makes me responsible if I make the wrong choices.  I could see an unscupulous store manager using it to get rid of a person.  Fortunately, my managers love me....



I have beaten human resources twice..... they don't like it.....  once on a demotion and the other for termination. both times back pay was awarded. the 2nd was 9 months of back pay. I find it funny that HR does things that they know are wrong.... but they are hopeful people will not fight them. in neither case did I do anything I was accused of, just managers who wanted me fired because I say what I think. they love it when you fear them.... I don't fear them.... they don't like it..... try it!!  keep in mind most salaried managers are in fear of their superior and their own job.

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