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Post Info TOPIC: Worst experience ever

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Worst experience ever

So today I'm working the meat/seafood counter when around 8 pm this college age guy walks up. Now, if you ever met me it would be obvious that I am overweight. Not extremely but it's there. The guy says "sup tubbs" I put on a fake smile and answer "how's it going, man?" He then says "Why don't you roll on over here and grab me a few fillets" I go to wrap them and he then feels the need to say "You know, you'd be faster if you would just drop some weight..." I then say as I hand him the meat "I'm sorry you feel that way" as I was at a loss as to what to respond with. He, as brilliant as he thought he was, said "I'm sorry you eat so much..." And walked on. I almost quit on the spot. I cannot believe some people can be so rude. Rant over.


I thought people were joking when they said working for Kroger sucks...


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"Tell you what. I'm not going to lose my job over your retarded self......but if you'd like to meet me outside after my shift, we can talk about this more. FAGGOT."


Mother Earth needs to douche.



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Call a co-manager. If you have a decent one, they'd back you up. Customers have no right to say that type of **** to anyone.



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You know, if they're being rude like that you have the right to refuse service to them and have a co-manager to wait on them. I would of told him i'm not going to wait on him i'm not going to serve him and call a comanager and explain what is happening.


My Views and Opinions do not reflect that of the Kroger company. I'm an indivdual expressing my 1st amendment right.


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Sorry to read about your experience, but it would seem you handled things well.  Unfortunately, service counters provide a safe place for pitiable specimens to kick those who aren't allowed to kick back.   We've all been there, and unless the customer is being insistently disruptive or threatening, there's little to do but assume a "Mr. Spock" affect.  Just remember that these are the pathetic thrashings of a fading relic trying to gain a sense of power in a world that no longer wants him...or of a college punk who has yet to move beyond the haunting tingle of a stepfather's tender caress.  If you take comfort from nothing else, know that you'll end up with some hilarious stories to tell. 

Why don't they just use hydrogen?


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I'd tell em "at least I can get rid of my weight, so what's YOUR excuse.., *******?!?


How about NO?!?



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Not knowing much about CS at the moment, this sounds like a scenario question they would have or may still bring up in my interview to see how I would react. I believe you handled it and said exactly what they would want you to do Justin. Good job on not over reacting. Like tatertart said, you are in a position to hear those kind of comments and have to think positive and blow it off and be ready for the next idiot who comes along like that. Not looking forward to getting that kind of feedback myself if I do land this job but thanks for posting it to give me a heads up on what can happen and how to react.. Never thought about that before since being interested in the grocery jobs.

-- Edited by Maxwell on Tuesday 10th of December 2013 08:57:10 AM



Justin72 wrote:

So today I'm working the meat/seafood counter when around 8 pm this college age guy walks up. Now, if you ever met me it would be obvious that I am overweight. Not extremely but it's there. The guy says "sup tubbs" I put on a fake smile and answer "how's it going, man?" He then says "Why don't you roll on over here and grab me a few fillets" I go to wrap them and he then feels the need to say "You know, you'd be faster if you would just drop some weight..." I then say as I hand him the meat "I'm sorry you feel that way" as I was at a loss as to what to respond with. He, as brilliant as he thought he was, said "I'm sorry you eat so much..." And walked on. I almost quit on the spot. I cannot believe some people can be so rude. Rant over.

 What an ass hole customer.  You handled it well by not blowing up or quitting on the spot.  What comes around, goes around and what he did to you will catch up to him eventually.

He can't treat people at a restaurant like that.  They will remember and he will be eating spit the next time.  I do not condone this behavior but am pretty sure it happens.   I would never do anything like that.  I am above that.




Like my mother says "If they talk that way to a stranger, imagine how they talk to the people they know".  Don't engage them, just help them.  Don't count on a lower level manager having your back or for that matter your manager.  It says more about them than it does about you. 



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nocturnia wrote:

"Tell you what. I'm not going to lose my job over your retarded self......but if you'd like to meet me outside after my shift, we can talk about this more. FAGGOT."

 Of course I would never actually do that, but when I initially read the post I was FUMING mad. Yes, call a manager, refuse the service and step away. NOBODY deserves to be abused like that.


Mother Earth needs to douche.




nocturnia wrote:
nocturnia wrote:

"Tell you what. I'm not going to lose my job over your retarded self......but if you'd like to meet me outside after my shift, we can talk about this more. FAGGOT."

 Of course I would never actually do that, but when I initially read the post I was FUMING mad. Yes, call a manager, refuse the service and step away. NOBODY deserves to be abused like that.

 If they're like most Kroger managers, they'll probably end up apologizing to the a-hole and give him a $5 gift card.




I commend you for handling as best as you did, man.  I'm sorry you had to deal with that.


I would have refused service on the spot.  No f'ing way would I have taken that abuse.  I've done it before, and I wouldn't think twice about doing it again.



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Sorry to hear that you had the misfortune of crossing paths with someone that has sufficient enough self-esteem issues that he feels the need to tear others down in order to make him feel better about himself. When working with the public though, these types of situations are going to arise occasionally. I agree with everyone else though on how well you handled the situation. By not getting angry or rude with the person, you denied him of the satisfaction he was seeking. Had you allowed yourself to give in and respond unprofessionally, this person would likely have enjoyed having the opportunity to complain to management or corporate, in which case he would win and you would lose. Since though you maintained your professional composure and did not take the bait, he didn't win.

What you could have done is if you have a supportive management team at your store, politely decline service and call a co-manager as others have suggested. If your co-managers care about the employees they work with, they will take your side and put the customer in his or her place. It makes me feel so good inside to see a co-manager take the side of the employee and turn on a customer when the customer thinks that just because he/she is the customer, the manager is going to give him/her anything he/she wants while being overly rude. One co-manager at my store has told more than one unreasonable customer, "if you're going to act like that, then you don't need to be shopping here. There are other stores you can go and shop at" and all of us, including surrounding customers, just want to cheer and clap when a manager stands up to rude, obnoxious, self-centered customers. I know the management team at my store will back me and other employees up when it's a clear case of who's in the right and who's in the wrong and if you have a management team like that at your store, I would suggest calling one of them if this guy comes back or others like him show up.  You should also maybe talk to your management team about this incident just so you can be one-hundred percent sure that they will back you up when something like this happens.

Just remember that people like this guy want to make you feel bad. You shouldn't care what they think because they obviously don't care about you. Now the people that care about you? You should care about what they think. They are thinking about your happiness and well-being and that's the sign of a good heart. The more positive people you surround yourself with and the better you feel about yourself, the less these meaningless verbal attacks sting.

-- Edited by GenesisOne on Wednesday 11th of December 2013 01:19:55 AM



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Ju remember, if you were to say anything back, YOUD be the one in trouble. I can picture this guy getting pissed and offended at your attitude. I've seen it happen. Nearly became a fistfight.

Just don't let it get to you. Ignore the rude asshat and act like he isn't there.


How about NO?!?



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I think your reply was perfect.  Although, you could have added - "Have a nice night sir. See you next time."

Working in a grocery store is interesting because we interact with people when most really don't want to talk; they just want to find what they came to buy and go home.  So, I am just my normally friendly self.  If someone begins talking, I'll chat as much as they want, which is usually just a few words.

Unfortunately, some folks keep on talking (lonely perhaps), while others don't even respond to my "Hello".



Well he was baiting you and don't be surprised if he's not connected to your store mgmt. team. One cross word back to him and yes they could've fired you. You're supposed to take it and if you don't then it's all on you. I was working produce one afternoon when a richly dressed older woman customer walks right up to me and says " I bet you think nothing but a bunch of old snotty bitches shop here!" I'm thinkin WTF? Did she really just say that to me? As she stared me down waiting for my reply... without even thinking I said " Pretty Much!".... she stomped off. Never saw her before that or after that until spotted her and head cashier having their $5 latte at the local Starbucks one morning..... our head cashier is a mean spirited, vengeful , ate up old hag who seems mad at the world and makes damn sure she gets her way on everything at work- she must have some dirt on manager because he kowtows to her every whim. Beware of the Wicked Witch of the Midwest....



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I have been called a stupid c**t, spit on, had things thrown at me, and I have gone to mgmt and they told me I just have to take it because the Customer is always right!!!!! I we retaliate, we lose our jobs....


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While the vast majority of my customers are fantastic, I have on occasion encountered a wretch like that. My personality is such, that when confronted by someone trying to bait me like that, I take it as a challenge, and I turn on the charm. Nothing grinds their gears like them trying like hell to get a rise out you, and failing utterly. The meaner and nastier they get, the happier and friendlier I get. I have yet to be bested. They know that I know what they are doing, and it simply isn't going to work. Just as satisfying as putting their face through the service case, but without the criminal charges and subsequent employment hunt.



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sunnmoon wrote:

I have been called a stupid c**t, spit on, had things thrown at me, and I have gone to mgmt and they told me I just have to take it because the Customer is always right!!!!! I we retaliate, we lose our jobs....

Call the police. I'm serious on this. Other people here will tell you the same. Just because you're employed by Kroger, does not mean you have to take assault or battery. If worse came to worse, you could even sue the company if your managers don't take it seriously and God forbid something really bad happened to you.



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Spitting someone IS assault. If ANYONE spat on me (kids, women, old folk exempted) if have knocked their teeth out of their head. If the exempted ones did that, I'd spit right back on them.


How about NO?!?




If I touch you with my pinky finger and you didn't want me too its assult.



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Ironically that is true. If someone says "if you lay a finger on me, I'll smack you." And they touch you.... EVEN a mere touch... They started it


How about NO?!?


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