We're looking at moving from NM to the Eugene area and I'm looking for any feedback regarding kroger in the eugene area. According to kroger.com, I see it's fred meyers. As a cashier here people seem to make $11-$13 dollars - how about in eugene? How much do you pay for health insurance? Here it is $10 a week for ee or $15 for ee+spouse. We're very happy with it too, and I imagine this would be difficult to beat. It would also suck to lose all seniority, mainly because it has ensured enough hours to cover health insurance (24). Any feedback is appreciated.
Freddies does things differently than most as its a one stop shop(think walmart). Cashiers are not in the grocery department unless there backup cashiers. If you want to cashier only, you would be in Central Checkout or CCK. Pay for cck cashiers tops out around $13. CCK cashiers only check and maybe get carts if pushers don't show up. You will also have to bag unless things get really bad. You'll probably get hired as Part time 12, you may get schedule more hours as needed. However you need 20 hours a week for insurance(80 hours a month). Im not sure with the latest contract, but Im guess its around 8 months to a year for just basic medical coverage.
For a single person its 10 dollars a week for health care.
Grocery cashiers work on the floor and check as needed. More money and hours. Generally get hired as a PT 20. Pay tops out a 16 an hour. However the schedule of raises is very slow for new hires. With your background they may start you higher in the scale than the base ( 9 something). That will depend on the manager though.
Thanks for the feedback, that's great and it's very appreciated. I've never been to a Freddies and am totally unfamiliar with them except for the occasional awesome deal I see posted on a deal forum. That's interesting to hear it's like a walmart. From what you're describing in terms of pay, it sounds pretty good compared to what we see here and certainly not walmart pay.
I'd love to hear any thoughts on choosing to live in either Eugene or Springfield. This is all new ground for us and we haven't visited yet, but plan to in the next couple of months.
I don't know much about eugene or springfield. Eugene is a college town, so I would think its a bit expensive. Remember minimum wage is $9.10 in Oregon. Its tied to inflation so it goes up every year. We're not as spendy as Cali (much lower taxes), but Im betting we're not as cheap as New Mexico. With the new contract they increased the number of steps between 9 and 10 dollars and they raised the hours. Might hit up craigslist and see what rent is. The stores down there aren't always union or its just the grocery department. Jobs aren't easy to find in Oregon and its worse in the southern part of the state. I wouldn't move without a job or plenty of cash in the bank.