I don't think so. I've certainly never heard of it. The farthest that my store goes on disease prevention for non-service departments is soap and water (when you are on break, lunch, or off the clock of course).
Yes, they do. At least in my division. All we have to do is step over to the pharmacy on break if they're not busy. If you're out of uniform and/or off the clock and/or don't know anybody who works pharmacy who would vouch that you're a current employee, bring a copy of your latest pay stub.
The last time I took a flu shot----many years ago, believe me----I came down violently ill. With the FLU. Since then, I just let my already steely-powerful immune system MMA the crap for a few days, build up my resistance, then I'm good to go.
I don't understand why we don't. They make us pay for them, same price, just like customers, if we go to the Kroger pharmacy. Or we can go to our health care provider
If you have Kroger insurance it pays for it 100%. In Cincy/Dayton division.
Nocturnia, the flu shot is a dead virus, you might have already caught the bug before you got the shot. The flu shot also does NOT prevent you from getting the flu, it will make it less severe and have a shortened timespan. I get my flu shot, and I had the flu this year. Between the shot and some Tamiflu, I was good to go in 3 days.
We had a patient come in that it took him well over a week to get over it and he had not had his flu shot, nor did he get any Tamiflu. The REAL influenza is an awful and terrible virus. It's not gastroenteritis (the stomach flu). Influenza makes you pretty convinced that this is it, the Big One, and that you're going to die. The aching and pain, the fever, sweating, etc.. it's awful, I wouldn't wish it on my worst customer.