I have been working grocery overnight for 3 years, same schedule, scheduled 40 hours a week but still considered part time. a week ago I was "promoted" to being head of frozen department. STILL considered part time! I couldn't believe it. Can they do this???? Do I have any recourse against this? I had been told this was a full time position. They told me AFTER I moved to frozen that this was a trial period. Been doing it a week so far. What should I do?
Ask your union representative. The rules vary from state to state, zone to zone.
What state are you in? Someone might be familiar with the contract you are under.
In Michigan, Frozen Lead is a full time position and has to be bid out thruout all the stores in the area. Although, we had one guy that thought he was the frozen lead for several years but got bumped by someone with more senority than him. His info was not in the computer and he was still considered part time after all those years of running the department.
That's impossible, talk to union. Even under the newest and crappiest of contracts I think they have double time required than old one (18 weeks instead of 9 weeks) to qualify. All department heads HAVE to be FT.
In my area Frozen Leads are Full Time. There is a probation period that is 90 days where they can get rid of you if you aren't doing well in the job. You are still full time during that period though if they 'break you down' during the probation period you go back to PT. How long have you been running the frozen department? Sometimes in can take several weeks to get you updated as full time with HR.