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Homeless People wanting money

I work midnights stocking and, I stopped carrying cash on me because homeless people are always wanting money. We have a regular that I have been giving money to and the last time I did I asked him, about his situation.  He has no family in town and was in the Pen, and he said that he kind of likes his lifestyle, so I figure if he likes it I don't plan on giving him anymore money.

Then last week I was on break buying food for myself and I used the option to get cash back at the uscan and I noticed a guy watching me near the uscan and I started the go to the break room in the back of the store and halfway to the break room the guy was behind me saying excuse me sir, so I ignored him, because I knew that he wanted some money.

Then a couple of nights ago going to work, as soon as I was parking in my regular parking spot, before I could turnoff the engine a woman was at my window carrying on real frantic, she looked like a prostitute druggie so went on to another parking spot, and when I got out the woman was telling my GOD BLESS YOU SIR! GOD BLESS YOU! in a very angry voice. I still ignored her and went on in to work.  I can't be giving money to everyone, what would you do? and has anyone had problems with this kind of situation? 


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There are a lot of homeless people that hang around my gas station on the way to my store. Usually I say "Sorry, I only have what I need for gas...." Or if the situation you described with the cash back at the U-Scan came up I would say something similar like "I'm sorry, I need that for gas." I have no problem helping someone out but when it's everyday it's kind of ridiculous. Hell, I've even given a few of them rides if they ask. Dangerous I know but sometimes it's so hard to say no.


I thought people were joking when they said working for Kroger sucks...


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Justin72 wrote:

I have no problem helping someone out but when it's everyday it's kind of ridiculous. Hell, I've even given a few of them rides if they ask. Dangerous I know but sometimes it's so hard to say no.

Ya know, a relative of mine thought the same way you do. He gave rides to homeless people who were really down on their luck, until one of em' pulled a knife on him while he was driving. He sped the car up as fast as he could go, and said "We'll both die together before I give you all my money!" The homeless guy jumped out of the car while it was was speeding down the road.

Anyhow, I suggest you rethink your actions. This might seem harsh to some, but, never give things to the homeless directly. You can do volunteer work, donate to organizations, etc. Doing things directly, unfortunately, tends to just exacerbate the problems at hand.

Hope my opinion helps you too with your situation TC. Don't be afraid to say no.



This is the OP again and yes I remember a a couple of years back, and I was at a gas station filling up and a woman in a McDonald's uniform pulls up to the pump on the other side of me and she asks me if I could give her a couple of gallons of gas and I said NO!

She had a shocked look on her face and a few months after that I was at work and the same woman wearing her McDonald's uniform asks me for $10.00 for gas to get home about 20 miles away and I said, NO! again and she had the same look as before and I don't think that she remembered me from the last time, if she had she would not have ask me again.



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Begging for things has become a new profession, and it's definitely on the rise. So is the violence associated with it, as many of these people are mentally ill/drug/booze addicted and have extensive run in s with the law. The trick is to be as completely aware of your surroundings as possible. If something doesn't seem right, it's not. And don't be afraid to be authoritative and say NO in as firm a way as possible.

One funny thing I've noticed: Black people will invariably go after whites for things. NEVER each other. They're banking on intimidation, and it usually works.

Not with me.


Mother Earth needs to douche.



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I had one time this homeless lady stopped me outside my store. I was leaving for the day and she asked for some cash. Being as I'm generally a nice guy, I pulled a couple bucks out and she said "you ain't got a $10.00?" I was shocked. I told her I want giving her a $10. She then proceeded to call me a "mother ****ing filthy n*ggr!" Now I HATE that word and racism. So I smiled and said "wrong race you fat, smelly, bitch." She then ranted that she was hungry to which I told her she could eat a pile of ****. She ran at me and I lunged forward and she jumped back scared. I'm a big guy but I'm not gonna hit a woman. A man yes. But not a woman. Haven't seen her since


How about NO?!?




When I worked at "First of the Month" store for a few years, we got all kinds of pan handlers.  People asking for change, or smokes... hell, someone asked me for a swig of liquid dayquil once.  I kid you not.


I don't mind helping someone once in a while if they seem sincere enough, but my usual reply is "Dude.. I work for Kroger.  I ain't got no money."




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The way I see it, I already give to the poor and/or lazy by paying taxes. Maybe I'm just heartless. Maybe I'm jaded from seeing all the bridge cards day after day after day.


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I like to tell them I'm not carrying any cash, but that I'll loan them my credit card on condition that they mail it back to me as soon as their supposedly pressing need is taken care of.  The reactions are hilarious, and yes, I'm an unapologetic *******.  Working for Kroger will do that to you. 

Why don't they just use hydrogen?


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I remember giving $5.00 to this homeless guy one time. Well next time I saw him he gave me a $10.00. He wouldn't take the $5.00 back. His reason: he always tries and repays his "debts" if not money then a beer or a sandwich. He's about the only one ill loan to. He's courteous, polite, and non pushy. Plus I knew him for 5 years.


How about NO?!?



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mega-kitteh wrote:

I had one time this homeless lady stopped me outside my store. I was leaving for the day and she asked for some cash. Being as I'm generally a nice guy, I pulled a couple bucks out and she said "you ain't got a $10.00?" I was shocked. I told her I want giving her a $10. She then proceeded to call me a "mother ****ing filthy n*ggr!" Now I HATE that word and racism. So I smiled and said "wrong race you fat, smelly, bitch." She then ranted that she was hungry to which I told her she could eat a pile of ****. She ran at me and I lunged forward and she jumped back scared. I'm a big guy but I'm not gonna hit a woman. A man yes. But not a woman. Haven't seen her since

 You're sexist, bro.


Would you like fries with th... I mean, your milk in a bag?


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Not sexist, Im respectful of women of all races, ages, sizes, sexual preferences. SHES the one that used that racial slur with me. I WAS going to help her.

It is what is is now.


How about NO?!?



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mega-kitteh wrote:

Not sexist, Im respectful of women of all races, ages, sizes, sexual preferences. SHES the one that used that racial slur with me. I WAS going to help her.

It is what is is now.

 She was in the wrong as well. I'm not condoning her actions in anyway shape or form, but you're sexist if you think women deserve any sort of differentiation from men. You said, plainly, "I'm not gonna hit a woman. A man yes. But not a woman." That's textbook discrimination. I understand that you were probably raised on the statement "It's wrong to hit a woman." but believe it or not it's wrong to hit a person, in general. It does not matter what gender, race, or size a person is. It's never right to hit someone.

I'm just saying - You need to take a long, hard, look at yourself and ask the question "Why do I think more highly of women than I do myself?" and " Aren't we equals as human beings?"


Would you like fries with th... I mean, your milk in a bag?


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It's true on what you said. But I thought she was going to hit me. I suppose it is sexist because if it were a guy I'd probably hit him. I see what you are saying. No one is any better than the other and hitting anyone is wrong. In fact, I should have just walked away from her rather than say anything back.


How about NO?!?




hehe asking us kroger people for money...maybe should be other way around.

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