Try having a guy dig around in his crack an touch self serve donuts. Each. And. Every. One. Then ask if I was going to buy one. He wasn't too happy when I told him HELL NO!
If he picks at his posterior then I do believe it is time to consult management about some health issues. That is very unsanitary and can land a very hefty fine for the store and possibly the employee's job.
Try having a guy dig around in his crack an touch self serve donuts. Each. And. Every. One. Then ask if I was going to buy one. He wasn't too happy when I told him HELL NO!
I hope to god you told a bakery employee so they could throw those away.
I did. We tossed them out in front of him and we got rid of him. That's just nasty. People buy those donuts. He still comes in from time to time, sometimes to bitch to me how bakery got him fired because they made a point to toss the donuts out and loudly complain. Uhh.. Excuse me, wasn't YOUR hand down YOUR pants digging for who knows what? And you THKNK you can get upset?