I started working for Kroger as a cashier, and on my fourth day i had car troubles and was un able to make it to work, I called 10 minutes after my shift started to notify them I couldn't make it and I was told over the phone by an employee that the manager instructed her to fire me because that. I am wondering if that is correct termination procedure. I thought I had to get a write up before termination. I want to talk to one of the managera about this, but I wanted to know if how they fired me was acceptable first.
You should have known about your "probation" period that Kroger implements on new hires. There's no way that you wouldn't have heard /something/ about it.
Anyway, during your probation period, they can fire you for any reason at any time without a write-up.
Call back or go in and speak directly to a store manager. A store manager should be the person letting you know if you have been terminated. Not a coworker.
Yes, you are on probation and have not been there a week. You could be fired. And maybe not. Do not take a coworkers word for it. Unless they were the person that hired you.
If you were late for the first three days, I could understand. The managers might be a zero tolerance manager so I don't know. I know our manager would not fire you for one incident.