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Bullying at kroger

A Kroger store in New Baltimore Michigan has been accused of allowing bullying of employees in store.. you think there are bullies roaming about your Kroger store..?



Its an issue at My store. (Delta division) I am glad someone finally spoke up. I hope this brings change to Kroger



Kroger closed our Southgate, Michigan store after it built a new Marketplace in city to replace it..

..corporate relocated 30 senior employees to other stores in the area and staffed Marketplace with new hires..

Even though we were Senior employees with the skill and ability to transfer in.. you consider this action ad Corporate bullying..?



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Anonymous wrote:

A Kroger store in New Baltimore Michigan has been accused of allowing bullying of employees in store.. you think there are bullies roaming about your Kroger store..?

 Not really...well...not anymore. I ALWAYS stand up to bullies that TRY to bully me. One guy TRIED to bully me, even  cming towards me. I just stood straight looked right in his eyes and said "you have a problem with me obviously. Let's settle this NOW!" He backed off real quick, and true to "mama's boy/whinny kiss butt fashion, he told management. Management told the guy to mind his own business and do his own assignments.


How about NO?!?




I transferred to another store to get away from a coworker very much like that.  Not to mention the customers were very demeaning beyond normal mannerism.  Talk o your manager.  If they don't care go to your hr corporate rep.  If they don't care file an ethics report.



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There are some abusive managers who seem to enjoy lifetime tenure with Krogrr.  Promoting and protecting these abusers--keeping them in power over others--institutionalizes bullying, making it de facto Krogrr policy.

-- Edited by kroagrr on Thursday 29th of March 2018 12:46:21 AM



Our old store manager was a bully.  He got off on verbally abusing employees, making them cry on occasion.

He'd also block promotions and transfers if he took a dislike to you.

He ...took early retirement after some stuff happened.



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Our old store manager was a bully.  He got off on verbally abusing employees, making them cry on occasion.

In Dallas District 10, that gets a manager life tenure and/or promotion to district positions.



There is definitely bullying in my store and it seems I cannot do anything about it. My supervisor has told me I am not part of the team, they have scheduled me during my school time and told me it's all my fault and I am an inconvenience. Since I started working they have had my school schedule. Although some things have been settled I am still being bullied and being told it's all my fault. It has come down to other employees noticing and the supervisor making things up that I am doing wrong when I am not. I have contacted my union rep but since there are not contract violations I cannot do anything. Any one have any suggestions? I have been to my store manager and they told me it would be taken care of. About two months later I still have the nasty notes my supervisor has left cussing in and nothing has changed. 



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Absolutely!!!! My store manager and district HR.  It's a nightmare and I have a big red bulls eye painted on me.  It sure doesn't help much when the store manager and district HR person are buddy-buddy.  Talk about being screwed!!!! 



That is horrible, I'm sorry that is happening to you.  I'm getting bullied myself from my store manager and district HR coordinator- plus those two are close pals.  I consistently get over whelming work loads that are impossible to complete.  I get false claims blamed on me, I get unwanted and nasty text messages sent to me.  Also I always have to cover the store managers rear.  I'm constantly being forced to work 6 days, while the store manager wont, or even lift a finger.  My job and career gets threatened at least once a week for the past 2 months and I'm an ASM.  This is just a few topics that have happened to me.  I cant go to any of the district leaders, because they have their buddy system.  It's a nightmare and I'm at the point where I don't want to go into work.  I feel your pain and I'm very sorry for you.  Hang in there and good luck!!



It is almost like Kroger encourages bullying.  They have a 21 year old CSM at the store my daughter works at.  He does his level best to make her life miserable.  He is a miserable excuse for a human being and has the maturity of a 12 year old.  He doesn't even deserve a job much less the position of CSM.  I hope Karma meets him head on in his little sports car one day.  



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One day the bullies at Kroger are going to go too far and bully the wrong person. That bully will run into the one they pick on at some point outside of Kroger whilst off the clock and the bully might very well need to use his/her insurance to get their teeth fixed after they've been knocked out of their mouth.


How about NO?!?




mega-kitteh wrote:

One day the bullies at Kroger are going to go too far and bully the wrong person. That bully will run into the one they pick on at some point outside of Kroger whilst off the clock and the bully might very well need to use his/her insurance to get their teeth fixed after they've been knocked out of their mouth.

 Oh, please let me be there the day that happens.  I want to witness that!!!  So blasted tired of Kroger bullies and bullies in general!



Georgia not sure about district but i have a night crew thats mixed up. But they love to dog the kid with a mental disability. Basically worked the frozen guy into a isolated job. An now they are calling me a **** worker when i know for a fact while the manager smokes with the main boss for two or three hours while im throwing around 60-80 boxes per. An they low ball me an take off how fast i am. Really kills my vibe. Like I want to be a good worker but....a bad manager makes bad workers.



yes there absolutely are bullies



Witnessed countless instances of illegal bullying.  The company acts like a gang, plain and simple.  Desires total control with no accountability at all.  An organization like this one should be treated like any other criminal organization.



Anonymous wrote:

Witnessed countless instances of illegal bullying.  The company acts like a gang, plain and simple.  Desires total control with no accountability at all.  An organization like this one should be treated like any other criminal organization.

 Yall are a bunch of pussies. Speak up to the people the bully you. One black dude a wanna be assistant at Walmart would tell me no do it like this and scuff as he walked away it was my first few days there. Got tired of it and told him you better watch how the **** you talk to me mother ****er. Dude didnt scuff anymore and talked with a better attitude. **** those ppl man tell them to **** off



Please note that bringing a gun to work and shooting someone will suit the goons who run the company just fine.  They know it can happen and have everything set up to make it benefit them.  There are many things we should do and that is not one of them.  




Yes, there are bullies out there...I've encountered them at every store I've ever worked at...The thing is...They may THINK they're tough, but inside, they are scared little kids...If the bully is a manager, he or she may get to rule your body, but only YOU can let them rule your mind!!! I don't let NO ONE rule my mind!!! The bullies of the world will get what's coming to them in the end, if there is any true justice out there...All I can say is that karma is a real game changer and those who do the bullying may find themselves in a peril of their own making one day...Those who know this well and continue to fight to do a good job will be able to look themselves in the mirror each day with clean consciences and in the end, THEY will be the ultimate winners!



File a complaint. I got tired of being bulled and they fired them. When someone bullies you out of two positions and the company declares 25 years seniority is total b.s. I threatened to sue them if they didn't do something for my protection. It didn't help I kept having to file grievances against the company due to her actions. KRoger has a zero tolerance on bullying. It happens but it ends when you decide to end it.



Anonymous wrote:

File a complaint. I got tired of being bulled and they fired them. When someone bullies you out of two positions and the company declares 25 years seniority is total b.s. I threatened to sue them if they didn't do something for my protection. It didn't help I kept having to file grievances against the company due to her actions. KRoger has a zero tolerance on bullying. It happens but it ends when you decide to end it.

 I mean just do your job and youll be fine. Maybe it was you who was instigating the bullying?



you can request to be annomonys while they investigate. Best option is to transfer stores but for every one @$$ you trade you'll end up getting two more. 



Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

Witnessed countless instances of illegal bullying.  The company acts like a gang, plain and simple.  Desires total control with no accountability at all.  An organization like this one should be treated like any other criminal organization.

 Yall are a bunch of pussies. Speak up to the people the bully you. One black dude a wanna be assistant at Walmart would tell me no do it like this and scuff as he walked away it was my first few days there. Got tired of it and told him you better watch how the **** you talk to me mother ****er. Dude didnt scuff anymore and talked with a better attitude. **** those ppl man tell them to **** off

 Hey, YOU .... Yeah, the one calling people a bunch of pussies!  Are you sure that you are NOT one of the bullies!?  You are either a bully or just a simpleton. (Maybe it's both ... lol).  ***  It's not always that simple.  One can stand up for one's self and sometimes that just puts a bigger target on one's back ... especially when the store manager is a part of the bullying.  When there is no accountability for a manager's actions ... Good Luck!  Apparently the "dude" harassing you was not buddies with the store manager.  Lucky you!  Don't be so quick to judge other people just because you called this guy's bluff and it happened to work.  That does not work all the time.  Most of the people in here have stood up for themselves, you moron!



Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

Witnessed countless instances of illegal bullying.  The company acts like a gang, plain and simple.  Desires total control with no accountability at all.  An organization like this one should be treated like any other criminal organization.

 Yall are a bunch of pussies. Speak up to the people the bully you. One black dude a wanna be assistant at Walmart would tell me no do it like this and scuff as he walked away it was my first few days there. Got tired of it and told him you better watch how the **** you talk to me mother ****er. Dude didnt scuff anymore and talked with a better attitude. **** those ppl man tell them to **** off

 Hey, YOU .... Yeah, the one calling people a bunch of pussies!  Are you sure that you are NOT one of the bullies!?  You are either a bully or just a simpleton. (Maybe it's both ... lol).  ***  It's not always that simple.  One can stand up for one's self and sometimes that just puts a bigger target on one's back ... especially when the store manager is a part of the bullying.  When there is no accountability for a manager's actions ... Good Luck!  Apparently the "dude" harassing you was not buddies with the store manager.  Lucky you!  Don't be so quick to judge other people just because you called this guy's bluff and it happened to work.  That does not work all the time.  Most of the people in here have stood up for themselves, you moron!

i dont give a **** who or how high they are in position. Ill cut there mouth with my box cutter if they wont stfu. You sound like a big fat sloppy scared pussy if anything grow some nutz  and lose your tits



Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

Witnessed countless instances of illegal bullying.  The company acts like a gang, plain and simple.  Desires total control with no accountability at all.  An organization like this one should be treated like any other criminal organization.

 Yall are a bunch of pussies. Speak up to the people the bully you. One black dude a wanna be assistant at Walmart would tell me no do it like this and scuff as he walked away it was my first few days there. Got tired of it and told him you better watch how the **** you talk to me mother ****er. Dude didnt scuff anymore and talked with a better attitude. **** those ppl man tell them to **** off

 Hey, YOU .... Yeah, the one calling people a bunch of pussies!  Are you sure that you are NOT one of the bullies!?  You are either a bully or just a simpleton. (Maybe it's both ... lol).  ***  It's not always that simple.  One can stand up for one's self and sometimes that just puts a bigger target on one's back ... especially when the store manager is a part of the bullying.  When there is no accountability for a manager's actions ... Good Luck!  Apparently the "dude" harassing you was not buddies with the store manager.  Lucky you!  Don't be so quick to judge other people just because you called this guy's bluff and it happened to work.  That does not work all the time.  Most of the people in here have stood up for themselves, you moron!

Look here fats... you just do what your told and stop chubby chasing! 



You are correct they do, but it happens every day all day every week, I am being bullied threaten and treated like crap, and when I tell my supervisor that someone has threaten me on the clock , what do they do pull this person into their office and what do I get when I try to explain my side I get I DON"T CARE!! I am thinking to myself. When you are told that you need to be honest and tell someone when they hurt your feelings and you finally do have so many years, you get I DON'T CARE.. I do not understand why Kroger does not stand behind the Annual training of ABSOLUTE NO HARASSMENT WILL BE TOLERATED. I do not understand why they do not do anything. I have filed a claim and if anything gets done I will be deemed the trouble maker. This other person has had harassment charges on them not to mention that have also been fired due to harassment. I just do not understand !! 



Adopt the philosophy that you are going to kick the bully's a-s-s if they don't stop and mean it.  That's how you stop it.



Lots of bullies on this site too as a matter of fact. Lotta pussies on here for sure.



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Online bullies are pussies. They're too afraid of actual confrontation, as been proven on this site numerous times.


How about NO?!?




mega-kitteh wrote:

Online bullies are pussies. They're too afraid of actual confrontation, as been proven on this site numerous times.

 See you know it too.

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