Our store's HR manager is leaving soon, I'm wondering whether applying for it or not would be a good choice. I've heard they make around $13/hour, which is more than I make but not by much, and they're not union. But it seems an easy gig, right? Interview and paperwork mostly, I never see ours doing any lifting or being stressed in general.
Our store's HR manager is leaving soon, I'm wondering whether applying for it or not would be a good choice. I've heard they make around $13/hour, which is more than I make but not by much, and they're not union. But it seems an easy gig, right? Interview and paperwork mostly, I never see ours doing any lifting or being stressed in general.
Hmmm. I think it might be a job that is harder than you might think. Our HR manager always seems to be somewhat stressed, sorta absent-minded, worrying about lots of different things at once. They have to juggle the problems of being in the middle of hiring lots of people simultaneously, all in various stages of coming on-board. Answering the phone, talking to prospective employees, having interviews, trying to keep everybody straight and remember "who is who" in the hiring process. Making sure employees do their dept computer training courses required for them. They also have to make the Expense order and turn it in on Wednesdays. It just seems daunting to me. But maybe not???
Our store's HR manager is leaving soon, I'm wondering whether applying for it or not would be a good choice. I've heard they make around $13/hour, which is more than I make but not by much, and they're not union. But it seems an easy gig, right? Interview and paperwork mostly, I never see ours doing any lifting or being stressed in general.
Its not an overly hard position, but depending on the store it might be full of differing issues. In reality you need to think of what your future plans are. While it might be a small raise now, what raises might occur in the future? How much more is the healthcare, etc then your current expenses? If your using this as a stepping stone to learn the "HR" process and eventually leaving the company, jump at it, any position where your "Hiring, Paperwork, etc" looks better then "retail worker".
It must be different where you're at, because at my store, we have a co-manager that's over HR. Yes, he handles stuff like hiring, transfers and, well, HR matters, but he also does stuff that the other co-managers do, like stocking when necessary, helping on the front end, etc... So here, HR is part of management, and in order to get into management, you have to apply for the MD-1 training program, be accepted, and then go through... I think an eight week (or twelve) training period. You also mentioned ASP, but they got rid of that position in my division.
If the position you're talking about is salary like the HR co-manager at my store, then you'll be working more than forty hours a week, since all the co's at my store do a minimum of 50 hours - and with the holidays coming up, they're gonna be pushing 60+.
I guess... it all depends, like someone else said, are you gonna use the position to try and get a better position with another company? I guess if you did really well, you might be able to work your way up in your district, too.
In my district, we have a few ARM's still but their new title is "Recruiting and Retention Specialist". We only have them in stores that cannot keep people hired worth a crap (like mine).