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Post Info TOPIC: Minimum wage is going up.

Minimum wage is going up.

So minimum wage is going up to $10 an hour. When I started it was $8.25. I'm already making $10 an hour. So does that mean I'm going to get $1.75 an hour added to my pay now? 



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Posts: 2886

You may get a little bit of a raise but not a full $1.75. I'd wager it will be like... $0.30.


Would you like fries with th... I mean, your milk in a bag?



Only the new people get the raises. Those about $10 will not get squat.



Anonymous wrote:

So minimum wage is going up to $10 an hour. When I started it was $8.25. I'm already making $10 an hour. So does that mean I'm going to get $1.75 an hour added to my pay now? 

 But when though? I heard end of February.



This just happened last year in the Atlanta division.  The minimum wage was $7.25 and the union contract changed the starting wage to $10 an hour for clerks/cashiers.  How it works is , anyone under that pay amount instantly went up to $10 an hour.  Any one already at  $10 an hour or above went to the closest pay rate on the new contract.  SO the answer is, NO, you will not get the $1.75 an  hour above the minimum wage.  It's almost like starting over.  I had a few part-time people in my department that were already maxed out at $10 an hour when ours was raised.  Their pay didn't not go up at all and now they are having to earn weeks to get pay raises again.



Is this the federal Minimum Wage or a specific state because Ive seen nothing about the federal one increasing. If it is can someone provide a source?



Anonymous wrote:

This just happened last year in the Atlanta division.  The minimum wage was $7.25 and the union contract changed the starting wage to $10 an hour for clerks/cashiers.  How it works is , anyone under that pay amount instantly went up to $10 an hour.  Any one already at  $10 an hour or above went to the closest pay rate on the new contract.  SO the answer is, NO, you will not get the $1.75 an  hour above the minimum wage.  It's almost like starting over.  I had a few part-time people in my department that were already maxed out at $10 an hour when ours was raised.  Their pay didn't not go up at all and now they are having to earn weeks to get pay raises again.

 That is such a lie I only make $9.00 an hour we are non union but are on a union pay scale.

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