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customers are rude asf

Busy busy busy today. go outta my way to help these sub human needy customers today. one of them tells e i smell like butt!! 



It's always been like this. Since mar they've been really bad. I stooped being nice and started being down to the books. If they don't like it well they can shop else where and fu'c'k them. During rushes I don't clean the belt to move the lines through. Especially if customers are being @$$ holes about it. They're wearing f'n gloves, they sanitize their gloves rather than understand how gloves get  contaminated, they're wearing a mask and some even face shield. They b-it-ch about the pin pad not being cleaned and even having to touch it. They use to just walk up to self check machines and use them. Now they just stair at them like total incompetent idiots. Same with the carts. Good lord customers pull your heads out of our @$$es for a change and use your f'u'cken mind..



teh smell lik butt lilk lol brush ass

micrwave rurd balon mirigh t



Customers at my store are either extremely friendly or total a$$ holes and s-h-i-t heads. There doesn't seem to be a middle ground and I'm getting sick of it. Thanks @$$ holes for your rudeness customers. We're putting our lifes on the lines and you're b-it-chi-ng about how your fuc-k-e-n food is bagged.



I had a customer go off on me the other day because she spotted two ladies wandering the floral department NOT WEARING MASKS..."Someone needs to talk to them and force them to put their masks on or kick them out", she says...But, then she spied the floral clerk and told her about it and the floral clerk had a talk with them...I guess the ladies had masks, but they just weren't wearing them...So, we need to police this now, too??? confuse

We're not enforcing these rules, but in other places they are and HEAVILY...There's a local hardware store that is only letting in 8 people at a time...When one came out, a security guard would wave the next one in and people were lined up 6 feet apart outside the store in taped areas...A smaller grocery store has taken to wiping down all the carts and not letting ANYONE in until someone leaves and they all have to wait in line in taped areas outside the building...I was at this store for something and there were 6 or 7 people in line...An older man didn't even see us and he tried to go in the store...The girl outside said loudly, "You CAN'T go in there, sir!!!" "I just need to use the bathroom...I'm not going to buy anything!" "You need to stand outside at the end of the line and wait your turn like everyone else", she said...He just got frustrated and left...And then, we have a local auto parts store that has refused to wait on anyone NOT wearing a mask...

Talk about a "new normal"...I SOOOO wish we could go back to a time before this stupid virus ever



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Posts: 711

Anonymous wrote:

I had a customer go off on me the other day because she spotted two ladies wandering the floral department NOT WEARING MASKS..."Someone needs to talk to them and force them to put their masks on or kick them out", she says...But, then she spied the floral clerk and told her about it and the floral clerk had a talk with them...I guess the ladies had masks, but they just weren't wearing them...So, we need to police this now, too??? confuse

We're not enforcing these rules, but in other places they are and HEAVILY...There's a local hardware store that is only letting in 8 people at a time...When one came out, a security guard would wave the next one in and people were lined up 6 feet apart outside the store in taped areas...A smaller grocery store has taken to wiping down all the carts and not letting ANYONE in until someone leaves and they all have to wait in line in taped areas outside the building...I was at this store for something and there were 6 or 7 people in line...An older man didn't even see us and he tried to go in the store...The girl outside said loudly, "You CAN'T go in there, sir!!!" "I just need to use the bathroom...I'm not going to buy anything!" "You need to stand outside at the end of the line and wait your turn like everyone else", she said...He just got frustrated and left...And then, we have a local auto parts store that has refused to wait on anyone NOT wearing a mask...

Talk about a "new normal"...I SOOOO wish we could go back to a time before this stupid virus ever

 May I ask what state you are in? Some governors have been more dictorial tyrants than others.  



Anonymous wrote:

teh smell lik butt lilk lol brush ass

micrwave rurd balon mirigh t

 Yes brushing your ass is very important! Dont forget turd in the freeze as well. And dropping a log on the seat and it breaks off but just leaving it there!



Anonymous wrote:

I had a customer go off on me the other day because she spotted two ladies wandering the floral department NOT WEARING MASKS..."Someone needs to talk to them and force them to put their masks on or kick them out", she says...But, then she spied the floral clerk and told her about it and the floral clerk had a talk with them...I guess the ladies had masks, but they just weren't wearing them...So, we need to police this now, too??? confuse

We're not enforcing these rules, but in other places they are and HEAVILY...There's a local hardware store that is only letting in 8 people at a time...When one came out, a security guard would wave the next one in and people were lined up 6 feet apart outside the store in taped areas...A smaller grocery store has taken to wiping down all the carts and not letting ANYONE in until someone leaves and they all have to wait in line in taped areas outside the building...I was at this store for something and there were 6 or 7 people in line...An older man didn't even see us and he tried to go in the store...The girl outside said loudly, "You CAN'T go in there, sir!!!" "I just need to use the bathroom...I'm not going to buy anything!" "You need to stand outside at the end of the line and wait your turn like everyone else", she said...He just got frustrated and left...And then, we have a local auto parts store that has refused to wait on anyone NOT wearing a mask...

Talk about a "new normal"...I SOOOO wish we could go back to a time before this stupid virus ever

 tis isnt teh walkin ded guys!! I dont hafta were a mask if I donts want twO! Do you feal that? itz teh wynd blownin my own **** in mi face!  Iz dont were a mAsk! Ill take mi moniess elsewere!



Kroger-Employee wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

I had a customer go off on me the other day because she spotted two ladies wandering the floral department NOT WEARING MASKS..."Someone needs to talk to them and force them to put their masks on or kick them out", she says...But, then she spied the floral clerk and told her about it and the floral clerk had a talk with them...I guess the ladies had masks, but they just weren't wearing them...So, we need to police this now, too??? confuse

We're not enforcing these rules, but in other places they are and HEAVILY...There's a local hardware store that is only letting in 8 people at a time...When one came out, a security guard would wave the next one in and people were lined up 6 feet apart outside the store in taped areas...A smaller grocery store has taken to wiping down all the carts and not letting ANYONE in until someone leaves and they all have to wait in line in taped areas outside the building...I was at this store for something and there were 6 or 7 people in line...An older man didn't even see us and he tried to go in the store...The girl outside said loudly, "You CAN'T go in there, sir!!!" "I just need to use the bathroom...I'm not going to buy anything!" "You need to stand outside at the end of the line and wait your turn like everyone else", she said...He just got frustrated and left...And then, we have a local auto parts store that has refused to wait on anyone NOT wearing a mask...

Talk about a "new normal"...I SOOOO wish we could go back to a time before this stupid virus ever

 May I ask what state you are in? Some governors have been more dictorial tyrants than others.  

 Just for the record, it's Michigan...You know the state of "that woman" the President spoke of...By the way, while I don't like it one bit, I worry that in states where they are a little more freer and open, new cases will spike dramatically and some governors will have to eat their words and go back to more lockdowns...At least, in our state, there is some stability in the number of cases and the governor is doing what she feels is right...I may disagree, sure, with the way things are, but what can I do? It feels like we have one of two options...Accept things as they are now with things really bad or open up states without the necessary precautions and things could get REALLY, REALLY, REALLY BAD!!! There's really no right answer here...In fact, I fear the latter, as we're already seeing it in some places like Texas...and this thing is not over yet...

In some factories, it's still a concern among employees, even as these factories start to re-open...

Read these, too...It's like the Wild West in some places...

I look at some of those violent confrontations with and attacks on store clerks and managers over mask-wearing, following the rules, etc. and there are some that say that us "frontline" workers DON'T deserve hazard pay??? Really??? confuse

I mean, it's bad enough we have to worry about illness, but THIS now, too???



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Posts: 2634

To ANY A$$FU*CKER that THINKS to says we don't deserve hazard pay, say it to our face. I can GUARANTEE you'll get a response that WILL pi$$ you off.
We had one customer basically say that and let's just say we had to call the police on him because he didn't appreciate the response he got.
Oh, well too bad for that guy.


How about NO?!?




mega-kitteh wrote:

To ANY A$$FU*CKER that THINKS to says we don't deserve hazard pay, say it to our face. I can GUARANTEE you'll get a response that WILL pi$$ you off.
We had one customer basically say that and let's just say we had to call the police on him because he didn't appreciate the response he got.
Oh, well too bad for that guy.

 Yeah people don't even realize the hundreds of people youll come into contact with on a 40 hour weekly schedule. Thats really rude and sad for people to tell others you don't deserve some sorta compensation. Be safe.



Status: Offline
Posts: 2634

Anonymous wrote:
mega-kitteh wrote:

To ANY A$$FU*CKER that THINKS to says we don't deserve hazard pay, say it to our face. I can GUARANTEE you'll get a response that WILL pi$$ you off.
We had one customer basically say that and let's just say we had to call the police on him because he didn't appreciate the response he got.
Oh, well too bad for that guy.

 Yeah people don't even realize the hundreds of people youll come into contact with on a 40 hour weekly schedule. Thats really rude and sad for people to tell others you don't deserve some sorta compensation. Be safe.

 Thank you. You be safe as well. 

I had one customer give me a $15.00 gift card and another customer give me $10.00 just for being there. I thought that was awesome because he also said if it wasnt for grocery workers, truckers, getting food would be alot more difficult and add un needed stress on what is an  already stressful situation.


How about NO?!?




What's sad is they're only getting ruder...



And what good is it doing? no



Status: Offline
Posts: 1174

Anonymous wrote:

I had a customer go off on me the other day because she spotted two ladies wandering the floral department NOT WEARING MASKS..."Someone needs to talk to them and force them to put their masks on or kick them out", she says...But, then she spied the floral clerk and told her about it and the floral clerk had a talk with them...I guess the ladies had masks, but they just weren't wearing them...So, we need to police this now, too??? confuse




Complete horsecrap and the customer was a teatotalling busybody. Also a b!tch.

No. We don't need to "police this now". We need people to mind their own goddamned business.


Kroger sucks.



FrontEndSlave wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

I had a customer go off on me the other day because she spotted two ladies wandering the floral department NOT WEARING MASKS..."Someone needs to talk to them and force them to put their masks on or kick them out", she says...But, then she spied the floral clerk and told her about it and the floral clerk had a talk with them...I guess the ladies had masks, but they just weren't wearing them...So, we need to police this now, too??? confuse




Complete horsecrap and the customer was a teatotalling busybody. Also a b!tch.

No. We don't need to "police this now". We need people to mind their own goddamned business.

 Oh, trust me...I don't know what state you live in, but in some states where the stay at home orders are stricter, stores have absolutely been tough on this...Here in Michigan, there is a local auto parts store that has refused service to anyone NOT wearing a mask and there are some smaller grocery stores and hardware stores having everyone wait in line outside to get in...I've witnessed this firsthand...You did hear about that security guard in Flint, no???



I know what you mean...I work front end and was asked by the manager to go clean carts and whatnot. I swear that every other customer asks if I cleaned their cart specifically when they see me right there spraying all of the carts. Also, there was another customer there who yelled at me cause he thought I was doing it all wrong, even though that's how I was shown to do it. However, there are a lot more nice customers that I've see and they're always thanking me. 



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Posts: 2634

I have had a customer yell at me because I was "spraying the carts off wrong" and then got p*ssed off because I continued to do it the way I was instructed to. I believe he was going to call corporate on me and get me fired. "And I better NOT DARE continue to work at that Kroger or he will get me arrested."
Ummm... 1) I DARE him to TRY
2) I DO NOT care, lol


How about NO?!?




mega-kitteh wrote:

I have had a customer yell at me because I was "spraying the carts off wrong" and then got p*ssed off because I continued to do it the way I was instructed to. I believe he was going to call corporate on me and get me fired. "And I better NOT DARE continue to work at that Kroger or he will get me arrested."
Ummm... 1) I DARE him to TRY
2) I DO NOT care, lol

 More proof that there are idiots in this world who know how to do our jobs better than we do...My response would be "If we're doing it all wrong, then come apply for a job here and show us how to do it right then! Otherwise, let us do our jobs the way we were taught!" If they've got a problem with it, then they can take that up with the store manager...Most people would not want to do our jobs, which is why WE are here working and THEY are not!

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