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Mandatory mask

When are we going to be able to stop wearing masks? NO HAZARD PAY-NO MASK!! It should be by choice, not mandatory-or pay up...



Anonymous wrote:

When are we going to be able to stop wearing masks? NO HAZARD PAY-NO MASK!! It should be by choice, not mandatory-or pay up...


According to recent news from the World Health Organization (WHO), the chances of contracting the virus from someone who is asymptomatic are "extremely rare".  The people who are getting sick from the virus are getting it because they have a prolonged exposure to the virus in such places as nursing homes or they live with someone who is sick with the virus.  A person who is asymptomatic may have developed antibodies early and may not have a high enough concentration of the virus to pass it on to someone else they have casual contact with.  A one time exposure to the virus is extremely unlikely to cause any harm.  It's when someone is constantly exposed to the virus that causes a person to get sick.  When I was in grade school, my sister contracted chicken pox from a classmate.  She brought it home to me.  She had a mild case because she had a limited exposure to the virus.  I, on the other hand, was extremely sick with a high fever and blisters all over my body because I got a more concentrated exposure due to the fact we lived together.



It probably won't stop until they find a vaccine...Many other places are still requiring masks, too, and we haven't seen if all the protests and lack of social distancing going on will spike the number of cases...The fall isn't here yet, either, so who knows about the second wave of this thing...The thing is...There may be ebbs and flows with this virus...The numbers go down...More places open up...If there are spikes anywhere, we're back to square one and lockdowns again, so this is not over...We still have a ways to go in learning about this virus, but the new findings from the WHO are interesting...I'm taking a wait-and-see approach until I know more...If we don't get the spikes in transmission that are predicted with summer coming on and all these venues opening up, then we will have to rethink how this virus operates, because it's not following a standard playbook...If the spikes do happen, then we will have been forewarned...



Anonymous wrote:

When are we going to be able to stop wearing masks? NO HAZARD PAY-NO MASK!! It should be by choice, not mandatory-or pay up...

 The worst is over. You don't need hazard pay any more. you hav e a job and make at least $15 an hour at kroger. Your greed and self entitlement is pretty disgusting.



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It's not your choice to decide if we need hazard pay to be continued or not. Its the choice of our union and corporate.

-- Edited by mega-kitteh on Tuesday 9th of June 2020 06:27:06 PM


How about NO?!?




Most of the cashiers at my store stopped cleaning after they cut our hero pay. We don't get rewarded for extra job duties. Plus we're tired of being treated like garbage. You reap what you sow and we retaliate passive aggressively in what ever way we can. 

Lately we've only had spray or towels at the check stand it's one or the other. Not both. Hard to clean with just paper towels. Good f-u-ck customers come in wearing gloves and masks and act like di-c-ks when payment comes due because they don't want to touch anything. People refuse to touch receipts now so I just place them in the bag like it or not. 



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Posts: 1174

Anonymous wrote:

 Plus we're tired of being treated like garbage. 


That's all across the board when you work for Kroger.


Kroger sucks.



Thank you, have a great life



Anonymous wrote:
According to recent news from the World Health Organization (WHO), the chances of contracting the virus from someone who is asymptomatic are "extremely rare".

 I read that, too. The problem is that next week there will be some study to contradict that. And then after that another study will be revealed to contradict that. It's a constant back-and-forth. My jackass of a state governor recently made it official that businesses can deny service to anyone not wearing a mask, saying "don't be that guy" to those of us who aren't hysterical about this mess and see the data that proves the masks are pointless.



Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
According to recent news from the World Health Organization (WHO), the chances of contracting the virus from someone who is asymptomatic are "extremely rare".

 I read that, too. The problem is that next week there will be some study to contradict that. And then after that another study will be revealed to contradict that. It's a constant back-and-forth. My jackass of a state governor recently made it official that businesses can deny service to anyone not wearing a mask, saying "don't be that guy" to those of us who aren't hysterical about this mess and see the data that proves the masks are pointless.

 Good! people like you are why it spreads rapidly. 



Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
According to recent news from the World Health Organization (WHO), the chances of contracting the virus from someone who is asymptomatic are "extremely rare".

 I read that, too. The problem is that next week there will be some study to contradict that. And then after that another study will be revealed to contradict that. It's a constant back-and-forth. My jackass of a state governor recently made it official that businesses can deny service to anyone not wearing a mask, saying "don't be that guy" to those of us who aren't hysterical about this mess and see the data that proves the masks are pointless.

 They sort of backtracked on their statement.  While they did say that studies show it is rare, they can't be 100% certain that asymptomatic people can't spread the virus.  They also pointed out that there's a difference between asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic.  The former means you show no symptoms at all.  The latter means you haven't started showing symptoms yet but will.  It's during that time that someone is most contagious because the virus is multiplying but the body hasn't started producing antibodies yet.  In my opinion, from where they say all the new cases are coming from, there's still no need to worry about catching it from someone who just happens to come near you.  It takes a prolonged exposure that comes from constantly being around someone who is sick with the virus.  Here's what makes me mad.  They're testing all these people and they'll say 300 more people tested positive.  What they don't say though is how many of those 300 people are actually sick.  You might have only three sick people and the other 297 be perfectly healthy. 



I bought a few lightweight fishing gaiters.  They're very comfortable and more breathable than the normal masks, and they fit the face coverings requirement.



Anonymous wrote:
Here's what makes me mad.  They're testing all these people and they'll say 300 more people tested positive.  What they don't say though is how many of those 300 people are actually sick.  You might have only three sick people and the other 297 be perfectly healthy. 

 Yes, but while 297 may be "perfectly healthy" in your opinion (or even THEIR opinion) (aka asymptomatic), they could still be "super spreaders", spreading it to more people than they might have intended to, which is why THEY need to wear a mask...Not to protect themselves from others, per se, but to protect others from THEM!

Oh well...The numbers will KEEP going up and people will see...Once lockdowns start returning in some of these states, maybe THEN people will wake up...It might be too late for some, though,



Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
According to recent news from the World Health Organization (WHO), the chances of contracting the virus from someone who is asymptomatic are "extremely rare".

 I read that, too. The problem is that next week there will be some study to contradict that. And then after that another study will be revealed to contradict that. It's a constant back-and-forth. My jackass of a state governor recently made it official that businesses can deny service to anyone not wearing a mask, saying "don't be that guy" to those of us who aren't hysterical about this mess and see the data that proves the masks are pointless.

 Good! people like you are why it spreads rapidly. 

 But it's not spreading rapidly. That's the argument. You and the rest of who scare easily have been making this thing out like it's going to devastate the population. Still waiting for evidence that masks should be worn by anyone other than the sick and those with "preexisting conditions" that make them especially vulnerable to this virus. Considering I haven't been wearing a mask this whole time - never outside of work, and at work it's not over my nose and barely covering my mouth - why have I not even had symptoms?



Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Here's what makes me mad.  They're testing all these people and they'll say 300 more people tested positive.  What they don't say though is how many of those 300 people are actually sick.  You might have only three sick people and the other 297 be perfectly healthy. 

 Yes, but while 297 may be "perfectly healthy" in your opinion (or even THEIR opinion) (aka asymptomatic), they could still be "super spreaders", spreading it to more people than they might have intended to, which is why THEY need to wear a mask...Not to protect themselves from others, per se, but to protect others from THEM!

Oh well...The numbers will KEEP going up and people will see...Once lockdowns start returning in some of these states, maybe THEN people will wake up...It might be too late for some, though,

 "Super spreaders"? Give me a ****ing break. The experts keep saying this thing is spread through "droplets." I'm not throwing out droplets just walking around breathing normal, not coughing and sneezing on everything in sight. And yes, we will see. But so far the evidence is against you. As of now, the CDC website's data is showing a .056% death rate - and tests are only just recently starting to roll out in significant numbers. And the thing about finding more people who test positive is that they're still alive and not likely symptomatic, whereas deaths that might have happened already don't go unreported in such numbers that we'll suddenly see an unexpected spike of them. Think, and stop letting yourself so easily buy into the media hysteria.



Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Here's what makes me mad.  They're testing all these people and they'll say 300 more people tested positive.  What they don't say though is how many of those 300 people are actually sick.  You might have only three sick people and the other 297 be perfectly healthy. 

 Yes, but while 297 may be "perfectly healthy" in your opinion (or even THEIR opinion) (aka asymptomatic), they could still be "super spreaders", spreading it to more people than they might have intended to, which is why THEY need to wear a mask...Not to protect themselves from others, per se, but to protect others from THEM!

Oh well...The numbers will KEEP going up and people will see...Once lockdowns start returning in some of these states, maybe THEN people will wake up...It might be too late for some, though,

Super spreaders?  You think there's some sort of Typhoid Mary going around spreading the virus?  All the cases that I'm hearing about are people who have been in close continuous contact with someone else who is already showing symptoms of having the virus.   It's one thing to want to protect others from the virus if you know for a fact that you have it or you know  you came into close contact with someone who has the virus.  It's quite another thing to be unfoundly worried that you could have the virus.  There's a word for people like that.  They're called hypochondriacs.



Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Here's what makes me mad.  They're testing all these people and they'll say 300 more people tested positive.  What they don't say though is how many of those 300 people are actually sick.  You might have only three sick people and the other 297 be perfectly healthy. 

 Yes, but while 297 may be "perfectly healthy" in your opinion (or even THEIR opinion) (aka asymptomatic), they could still be "super spreaders", spreading it to more people than they might have intended to, which is why THEY need to wear a mask...Not to protect themselves from others, per se, but to protect others from THEM!

Oh well...The numbers will KEEP going up and people will see...Once lockdowns start returning in some of these states, maybe THEN people will wake up...It might be too late for some, though,

Super spreaders?  You think there's some sort of Typhoid Mary going around spreading the virus?  All the cases that I'm hearing about are people who have been in close continuous contact with someone else who is already showing symptoms of having the virus.   It's one thing to want to protect others from the virus if you know for a fact that you have it or you know  you came into close contact with someone who has the virus.  It's quite another thing to be unfoundly worried that you could have the virus.  There's a word for people like that.  They're called hypochondriacs.

 Well, it's obvious to me that there's a lot WE DON'T KNOW about this virus...Everyone thinks they know how it's spread, but even I am learning something new every day...And I prefer to get my info from Dr. Fauci, if you don't mind...

And not enough of you guys seem to know how to read fact-based articles such as this one...

I hope none of you plan on attending any funerals, graduations, weddings or parties any time soon...Don't travel, attend a church service, or go to a movie or concert, either...The apathy and laziness of some people means that this virus will win before anyone can beat it...

And it turns out that some people may have lingering effects of this virus longer than the quarantine period...

There have been quite a few people who didn't think they had the virus or were misdiagnosed or the test was inaccurate and they found out the hard way, so if I were you, I'd play it safe and keep following the proper precautions...This has nothing to do with being a hypochondriac...According to some of the logic here, I'm sure all of those people in nursing homes are just making this stuff up, too...Better, more thorough and widespread testing and maybe contact tracing, of course, might help, but we're not there yet...

So sad to see everyone's head stuck so far up their a$$es that they have NO idea what's REALLY going

And those who THINK they know what's going on are going to be sadly mistaken, mark my words...

Oh well...I guess if everyone wants to party at the beach and protest in the streets without a mask, it's their prerogative...But while those can be good things at any other time than this one, you won't catch me out there anytime soon! Lemmings, I tell you...lemmings! And the cliff can't come soon enough for some of them...



And again...Do we REALLY want this???evileye



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Posts: 1152

Just don't wear mask that look like tittie cups. Made from a bra or your dirty draws. If you want to run around smelling your dirty draws do it home don't wear them to work.


My YouTube



Anonymous wrote:

And again...Do we REALLY want this???evileye

 yes we do

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