Our scan rate is down so we no longer have bagwells on the casher's side of the counter.
The problem; when we dont have a bagger, we must step over to the end of the counter to bag the customers goods. We get blocked in by the customers in the lane behind us.
I think this is nothing but a stupid attempt to fix a stupid problem.
Heres my opinion: What they really need to focus on is how much time it takes from when the customer lines up to the time that we finish checking them out.
And the stupid thing is that they sent our co-manager to all the stores in our zone to talk about how to run the front end. That's like wiping before you poop, it don't make sense!
If you have uscan make sure checkers aren't using their checker numbers to run it. Make sure they have a set uscan number- that was a problem at my store.