Hello all. I'm new. I have an interview coming up but the thing is that I'm on probation for simple battery. It was classified as a misdemeanor but will be expunged in september if I behave myself. Will kroger still hire me? What should I do? I'm really worried cause I need the job to pay for my hospital bills that are piling up.
Can not say for a fact one way or another.Have seen people hired that has more than you would on a record. But if they do then I would sujgest you to behave and make it thru your probation period first. They need no reason to let you go while in that period of time.
can not say for sure. Wouyld depend on your manager. If well groomed and working at night, probably not a problem. I work in the meat department and if you have a beard then you are to ware a beard net over it.
pookytrunks wrote:
thanks for your response. i have an interview for night stocker. i have a beard, will i need to shave?