store 365, constantly lie to employees about the benefits, or lack there of, of joining the union.. lori moser(aa and union steward) has told several employees that it is necessary to be a union member in order to receive substantial hours and health care. lori has completely lost her credibility with me and many of the employees at 365. not to mention we have one black full time employee at the store and he is recent hire and a co manager to boot. the last one was released almost a year ago. my self esteem is so bad its hard for me to leave an obviously hostile and stagnant environment. its really sad that this "opinion" will just get lost... even sadder that ive been with kroger for 3 years
What area of the country do you work? Is it a right to work state or an open shop? I am a shop steward, myself , and do encourage people to join but you can not badger and bully people into it. The benefits are there regardless. Now if what you are saying is true then yea she sounds like she is full of ****. But not the union. Are you a member or not? What one needs to consider that if there was no union then there would be no difference between Kroger and Wal-Mart. I have seen and heard some of the things that Kroger has proposed over the last 20 years that would place them right there with wal-mart as how they treat their employees and pay and benefits. Here is your biggest problem with out being in the union. There will be times that you will need them and when it comes down to it, they will have to represent you. But they do have the right to take care of their active members first and they can place you on the back burner until the union members are taken care of first. I have always looked at it this way. I pay $10.50 a week in dues. Around 26 cents per hour. That gives me the peace of mind in that my working conditions, benefits and pay will be secure and can not change on the whim of the company. It also give me representation from company retaliation for many things that they would love to do to increase productivity at the expense of me and my co-workers suck as forced work off the clock . Never had to use them until the last store manager took over and he is an old Wal-mart manager that wants to do things his was regardless of the contract.
I work at 365 and I was pressured into joining the union and lori moser and chris (fat piece of ****ing ****). The union is complete bull****. What's even more bull**** is how I tried to get out but they "Never received my letters"
Our union has strict rules about when you can get out of it. Like X amount of days before you anniversary date etc.
I tell people I am in the union because of political power. Unions tend to favor my party of choice and have a more socialized view on political issues. When I'm old I'll probably be a member of AARP for the the same reasons, they are stingy with money and want free healthcare. By the time I'm that old I want the same things.
Find out the rules for getting out of your union. Make sure you send all communications USPS certified with signature conformation.
TO get our of our Local you have to send then a certified letter within 5 days of your anniversary date of Joining there union. When you sign up it is a contract. You can send then a letter at anytime to leave the union. They can let you out right there and then but you still have to pay the dues until the yearly anniversary day of joining them. And still follow up with a letter to them and human Recourse 5 days before that date and not the anniversary of when you was hired. That is what I was explained during a shop steward training class one day.
I worked at kroger for about six months and I did not know I was in the union until I saw $10 union fees coming out of my paycheck. I quit for school and decided to come back a week later. (Kroger rehires everyone) I got my first new check and saw that there were no union dues. I was not in the union anymore and boom for the last year I haven't had union dues.
You are in a right to work state and you do not need to be in a union to secure your job. You $10 was part of your membership fee. Ours is $30 and taken out in 3 weeks at $10 each. But then your membership fee will be waved if you leave and go else where that has a UFWC contract with a different local. Not saying you should join but stop and consider what your job would be like without the union and how far worse off you would be. Just have to wonder if you are one of those that feels you should not have to pay for anything but ride the coat tails of others that build, work, and support the union and everything it does bring to the table and workforce. One thing you will never seem to understand is the true benefit of the union until it is lost.
Badass Jew wrote:
I worked at kroger for about six months and I did not know I was in the union until I saw $10 union fees coming out of my paycheck. I quit for school and decided to come back a week later. (Kroger rehires everyone) I got my first new check and saw that there were no union dues. I was not in the union anymore and boom for the last year I haven't had union dues.