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Post Info TOPIC: Kroger Harassment Proceedure


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Kroger Harassment Proceedure

Reporting and investigation procedure for sexual harassment and other forms of harassment




If you believe that you are being sexually harassed by a co-worker, supervisor, customer or vendor, or if you believe you are being harassed by a co-worker, supervisor, customer or vendor because of your race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability or sexual orientation, you should take these steps:

1) Firmly and clearly tell the person who is harassing you that his or her behavior is unwelcome and should stop at once. If possible, take a witness to this discussion. Write a statement about the incident and what you did to stop it, including dates, times and places. This statement will be helpful if the harassment continues and the company needs to investigate. If you are uncomfortable with telling the person who is harassing you to stop, then proceed to the reporting procedure below.

2) Report the incident to your immediate supervisor, another member of management, any person in the Human Resources Department, the President, General Manager, Distribution Manager or call the Kroger Helpline at 1-800-689-4609 or email your concerns to ( Your report should be as specific as possible, including the name of the person who is harassing you, a description of the conduct and the effect that conduct is having on your working conditions and work performance, and the names of any witnesses who could assist in the investigation. All claims of harassment will be investigated promptly and will be handled professionally and as confidentially as circumstancespermit. Your further participation in the investigation may be necessary, and you will be informed of the outcome. The company will not tolerate reprisals or retaliation against persons reporting alleged harassment or anyone participating in the investigation of the alleged harassment.


I am no longer part of the oppressed, evil workforce of Kroger!  Can you say "Hallelujah"  


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Posts like this are why we need stickies.


Would you like fries with th... I mean, your milk in a bag?


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i dont follow. what are 'stickies"?


I am no longer part of the oppressed, evil workforce of Kroger!  Can you say "Hallelujah"  


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Topics that are always at the top. "STICKY: Welcome!" is the only one we have.


Would you like fries with th... I mean, your milk in a bag?

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the moderator has been gone for a very long time. So we won't ever have any stickies



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awhile back, i called the company that runs this board. tried to become the mod. was unsuccesful. i think this board has sorta come alive in the past 6 months wth me, you and all the others who sorta check it out daily.


I am no longer part of the oppressed, evil workforce of Kroger!  Can you say "Hallelujah"  


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Did you contact R&B or activeboard?


Would you like fries with th... I mean, your milk in a bag?


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BagBoy wrote:

Did you contact R&B or activeboard?

 oh one day a few month back when my son was home sick from school, i was sorta sittin' here bored and started to click on all different links and whatnot trying to find out who runs this site and how one can become a Mod.  Quite simply on the bottom of the page under Kroger Employee Forum where it tells you how many people are on right now and memebers you will see Moderators: RC, ADMIN.  Click on their names it comes up RUSTY & Russ Clifford both from MI and both have not been active for years.  Both do not work for Kroger any more. Both do not respond to e-mail sent to them thru this site so that is sorta a dead end.  I guess I could do some detectivework and look for a Russ Clifford in MI but...


-- Edited by thedude on Wednesday 25th of May 2011 09:18:07 PM


I am no longer part of the oppressed, evil workforce of Kroger!  Can you say "Hallelujah"  

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Thank you so much for posting this.  I may actually copy and paste this and take it into work to place for the other employees to see with everything that has been going on.

"The postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent the positions, strategies or opinions of The Kroger Co. family of stores."


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yea drew - you (and everybody on here ) should. kroger management is supposed to abide by several core values. they are HONESTY, INTEGRITY, RESPECT, DIVERSITY, SAFETY, and INCLUSION. 

Honesty doing the right thing & telling the truth
The Company is committed to being honest and fair, and doing whats right for our associates and customers. Associates at all levels are expected to uphold this standard with the Company, other associates and our customers

Integrity living our values in all we do, united approach to how we do business and treat each other
We are accountable to our customers, and to each other, to conduct ourselves every day according to our Core Values

Respect valuing opinions, property and perspectives of others
Every associate deserves to be treated with respect, and to treat others in the same manner. The Company is committed to creating a work environment based on mutual respect and dignity.

plus all managers are to uphold the OPEN DOOR POLICY.  At my past store, I always wanted to go upstairs to my store manager's office and knock on his damn door.  When he peeks out and sees me standing there and says "what's up?"  I would lean into his office and go "hey do you practice the OPEN DOOR POLICY?"  he would then say "yea sure come on in."  i would then head in and sit down in the chair across from his desk and sit there silently for 3 minutes.  he would be looking at me and I at him. Then I would get up and leave. On my way out I would say "Thank you" and head back downstairs to my department.

The problem with some stores is that these damn managers they got do not abide by these policies.  THAT IS WHERE WE NEED TO CALL THEM ON IT!  How can a person accept their paycheck from Kroger who obviously has implanted very detailed plain to read 'ground rules' on business conduct when they are acting in complete polar opposite to what Kroger is trying to instill?  It is downright hypocritical blaphemy to the 'religion of kroger'. 



I am no longer part of the oppressed, evil workforce of Kroger!  Can you say "Hallelujah"  

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thedude wrote:

yea drew - you (and everybody on here ) should. kroger management is supposed to abide by several core values. they are HONESTY, INTEGRITY, RESPECT, DIVERSITY, SAFETY, and INCLUSION. 

Honesty doing the right thing & telling the truth
The Company is committed to being honest and fair, and doing whats right for our associates and customers. Associates at all levels are expected to uphold this standard with the Company, other associates and our customers

Integrity living our values in all we do, united approach to how we do business and treat each other
We are accountable to our customers, and to each other, to conduct ourselves every day according to our Core Values

Respect valuing opinions, property and perspectives of others
Every associate deserves to be treated with respect, and to treat others in the same manner. The Company is committed to creating a work environment based on mutual respect and dignity.

plus all managers are to uphold the OPEN DOOR POLICY.  At my past store, I always wanted to go upstairs to my store manager's office and knock on his damn door.  When he peeks out and sees me standing there and says "what's up?"  I would lean into his office and go "hey do you practice the OPEN DOOR POLICY?"  he would then say "yea sure come on in."  i would then head in and sit down in the chair across from his desk and sit there silently for 3 minutes.  he would be looking at me and I at him. Then I would get up and leave. On my way out I would say "Thank you" and head back downstairs to my department.

The problem with some stores is that these damn managers they got do not abide by these policies.  THAT IS WHERE WE NEED TO CALL THEM ON IT!  How can a person accept their paycheck from Kroger who obviously has implanted very detailed plain to read 'ground rules' on business conduct when they are acting in complete polar opposite to what Kroger is trying to instill?  It is downright hypocritical blaphemy to the 'religion of kroger'. 



Quote from the Boss: I didn't say it was your fault. I said I was going to blame it on you.


The Kroger hotline number is all bologna!  I called it because I was part of a customer harassing another associate.  I have since realized that it's a hotline to keep the problem from escalating to legal action.  Save your time and energy and go straight to the labor commissioner or hire an attorney or no legal action will be taken.  I thought that by reporting it to the hotline I would get help, but all they've done is swept it under the rug.



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My friend was being harassed in the sexual manner. She kept asking said person to stop. No luck. Told management multiple times and what she would do if it continued. No luck. Said person did it AGAIN. He ended up with a bloodied nose and a black eye because he "squeezed her tooshie." Her reward? Lost job. She got a better one though.

The guy lost his too. (Surprisingly)

He got off lucky. Her husband would have out the guy in the hospital for a week or more.


How about NO?!?




Dear Kroger Co.

I take the time and courage to write in my confuse time, and ask for help i call already and let your human resource employee about all the harassment i been dealing with, at work in the store 354 at North Hills ca, 91343. first with the manager we have at bakery/ deli Delfina Benicia and her Helper Magdalena Quinonez. The manager tell me words about my word that embarrass in front of the others employees, make me do overwork, and she complains when i ask for my break she answers no now you too slow you never finish on time am going to transfer you far away from me, you don't' deserve a brake,if i request a day, she laugh at me and say no,she make fun of my religion, i pray most of the time to ignore what she say to me but i got sick of it, and want to stop the way she treat me,is not right i really need to keep working i have two children s,and bills to pay,that's why i keep working here, i let my store director in the past Darcy Torres and was worse, she cut my hours of work and stop for few days,before i go to labor commissioner i write to your main office first and see if you can do some thing about your employee,if i don't do what she ask me to do at work, like markdowns and trow then like damages because they never pack then or change the dates of bread on tables so we have less losing. or fix those log sheets i don't want to be in trouble and i refuse because was wrong . she has an attitude and start to pursue behind me and push me  telling you have 10 minutes to finish hurry up you to slow and on on on etc.



Anonymous wrote:

Dear Kroger Co.

I take the time and courage to write in my confuse time, and ask for help i call already and let your human resource employee about all the harassment i been dealing with, at work in the store 354 at North Hills ca, 91343. first with the manager we have at bakery/ deli Delfina Benicia and her Helper Magdalena Quinonez. The manager tell me words about my word that embarrass in front of the others employees, make me do overwork, and she complains when i ask for my break she answers no now you too slow you never finish on time am going to transfer you far away from me, you don't' deserve a brake,if i request a day, she laugh at me and say no,she make fun of my religion, i pray most of the time to ignore what she say to me but i got sick of it, and want to stop the way she treat me,is not right i really need to keep working i have two children s,and bills to pay,that's why i keep working here, i let my store director in the past Darcy Torres and was worse, she cut my hours of work and stop for few days,before i go to labor commissioner i write to your main office first and see if you can do some thing about your employee,if i don't do what she ask me to do at work, like markdowns and trow then like damages because they never pack then or change the dates of bread on tables so we have less losing. or fix those log sheets i don't want to be in trouble and i refuse because was wrong . she has an attitude and start to pursue behind me and push me  telling you have 10 minutes to finish hurry up you to slow and on on on etc.


Yo, idiot. This isn't a Kroger-sponsored site. Please don't present any names, location, store details, and any accusations unless you REALLY want to get in deep ****.




A fellow employee in arms


800 number for employee hotline

I called the Kroger help line 800-689-4609 number, spent 45 mins going through the harassment I'm dealing with at work after trying over a week to decide if this is the right thing to do. The guy puts me on hold to compIle his notes and get a code and he disconnects the call. He didn't call me back even though he has my phone number and personal email. I called back to be told sorry all your info was deleted because we didn't complete with the codes for you.

Now a hellish and stressful situation just got worse. What kind of company puts a hard working victim through so much?



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RE: Krogrr Harassment Procedure

What kind of company puts a hardworking victim through so much?

The corporate kind with few ethics and little accountability.

You may type or copy/paste your report yourself to avoid the telephone ordeal: to .


RE: Kroger Harassment Proceedure store 350

I've been harassed constantly by a certain women manager at this store. It seems everyone fears her. I only fear that I would loose my job, not her. I love my job and this store. But being picked at for doing my job constantly is very much putting a strain in me. She loves hiring little boys that don't do their job. They dress unprofessionally. Baggy pants, piercings, and tattoo that are so visible. This is not the company it used to be before. I don't respect any managers here when they constantly yell at you in public. They love to humiliate you. Playing on there phones constantly. Well the list of bad things in this store can go on. Believe me. But I hope that people higher up will look into this. Some changes need to be made. Someone needs to man up. 



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RE: Kroger Harassment Proceedure

My overnight manager has been verbally harassing me for months now... He calls me a bitch or ****EN bitch and I'm so over it.... I have. Work injury so I'm on light duty conditioning and I work on 8 isles both sides no help other than my manger and all he does is talk ****... I have neck and arm injury so I can't life anything over ten pounds, it was ok for the first few days and I admit I play along with him but sometimes he goes to far and now he tells me that my performance sucks that I'm slow no I walk around. I hurt all damm day and night I have now RX for the pain because krogers sucks!! (Long story) anyway now this guy wants me to work regular duty because he said he doesn't care what the dr said I'm going to do what he says if not for me to quit or he'll fire me.... What do I do? My union was helping but krogers retaliated towards him so he stopped can't they get in trouble? One of their policy's is no retaliation!!!!! HELLO??? Krogers you did it this time



Lincoln said that for some people they are to close to see the true even if it is right in front of there eyes.  I work in a store with jewelry the manager is telling everyone  about ethics yet she allows her besty an assistant to ask the union worker to buy her lunch and when they didnt cut their hours, next the same besty is on the camera playing with another associates hair and when tod to stop just ignores the request.  The manager reviews the screens but ignores the true of this behaviors so was lincoln right or all the talk about ethics and no tolerance just another talking point.  no



Can this be made sticky since we have an admin now?


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Anonymous wrote:

Can this be made sticky since we have an admin now?




thedude wrote:


Reporting and investigation procedure for sexual harassment and other forms of harassment







If you believe that you are being sexually harassed by a co-worker, supervisor, customer or vendor, or if you believe you are being harassed by a co-worker, supervisor, customer or vendor because of your race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability or sexual orientation, you should take these steps:


1) Firmly and clearly tell the person who is harassing you that his or her behavior is unwelcome and should stop at once. If possible, take a witness to this discussion. Write a statement about the incident and what you did to stop it, including dates, times and places. This statement will be helpful if the harassment continues and the company needs to investigate. If you are uncomfortable with telling the person who is harassing you to stop, then proceed to the reporting procedure below.


2) Report the incident to your immediate supervisor, another member of management, any person in the Human Resources Department, the President, General Manager, Distribution Manager or call the Kroger Helpline at 1-800-689-4609 or email your concerns to ( Your report should be as specific as possible, including the name of the person who is harassing you, a description of the conduct and the effect that conduct is having on your working conditions and work performance, and the names of any witnesses who could assist in the investigation. All claims of harassment will be investigated promptly and will be handled professionally and as confidentially as circumstancespermit. Your further participation in the investigation may be necessary, and you will be informed of the outcome. The company will not tolerate reprisals or retaliation against persons reporting alleged harassment or anyone participating in the investigation of the alleged harassment.

 I was harassed based on my race. It was promoted by the ASL. She told members of her community to watch me blow the whistle. 



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So she harrassed you, or allowed it to happen, then told her "bussies" to watch you blow the whistle. I would contact HR and a lawyer if things get bad.


How about NO?!?




The HR did nothing. Then got an replacement, HR said out loud "Were you threaten? Did you fear for your life? If not, it's nothing to worry about"

That HR was promoted to floating HR to train others. Another HR came and well, by this time, it's just one of those HR saving the company because Kroger is an friendly place to everyone but will kill nice people. 



I have won 4 harassment complaints in my store. 1 was for religious discrimination, two were for verbal harassment (one from a CS supervisior the other from a manager), and one was against a manager that only had been in the store for 3 weeks before she got called into our manager's office and told to "calm down." The harassment from the CS supervisor got real ugly once it went to the Union. I had 3 witnesses, one whom actually gave a statement to the Union, and she was told she had two choices: either to transfer to a different store or they would start writing up her paperwork. She didn't want to transfer but had no choice as she didn't want to lose her job. She's not allowed back ever in our store again.


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Pinned posts will be kept clean, informative, and non-combative. If you want to argue/vent then do it in a normal post.



The "Harassment Procedure" will only work if you hire an Attorney.

Then the Attorney may resolve the issues and will take all the money if you are owned any and you will be without a job and still very harassed.

LOL not 



I have won several harassment complaints in my store. I like to joke around that I am batting 100 percent. 2 complaints for harassment, 1 for religious discrimination (because I refused to bag abortion pills), and one for a seniority violation (passed over for transfer into the Fuel Center-CS manager was forced to transfer out.) I have filed 3x on one manager, she ended up getting a final warning. On the last one the regional HR rep and us (store mgr, me, HR rep and Union rep) all reviewed the security video-Union rep said it was clear I was being targeted-mgr and HR also agreed with the assessment. 



Has anyone bypassed their store and filed a complaint with Corporate? This just happened in our store a month ago-against the same woman I just got done dealing with? (Different employee-I think the person who filed works in produce-not sure.)



Yes it has happened in our store several times-but I don't know what the outcome was 



If your State does not have laws to enforce, the Federal authorities have. The Fair Employment Opportunity Commission, right? 

To hell with Kroger and it's brand stores. They have a long history of systematic abuse of all sorts. Send em to hell.



I have won 4 harassment complaints in my store. 2 of those complaints resulted in demotions for the manager involved and a regional HR person who was involved in one the complaints that didn't do her job got demoted to store manager



One thing I have to emphasize is that you MUST keep up with the complaint once it goes to the Union. Too many people in my store have filed complaints but never followed up and the person involved just got away with it. This is SO important coming from someone who has won two harassment complaints, 1 religious discrimination and 1 seniority violation. Your store is counting on you NOT following up.  



Anonymous wrote:

The "Harassment Procedure" will only work if you hire an Attorney.

Then the Attorney may resolve the issues and will take all the money if you are owned any and you will be without a job and still very harassed.

LOL not 

 NOT true. Get your regional HR involved (that will usually come from your Union Rep) and your in-store Union rep. That is VERY important. 



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If you experience harassment in the workplace in Abu Dhabi, firmly inform the harasser that their behavior is unwelcome. Document incidents, including dates and witnesses if possible. Report details to your supervisor, HR, or management for a prompt and confidential investigation. Retaliation against reporters or participants is strictly prohibited.

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