**** you minimum wage lazy pricks whom I must endure on a daily basis. **** your complaints about a low wage for uneducated, untrained labor that you do half assed everytime you actually decide to do something at *gasp* work. **** your convenient break timing and bathroom breaks and overall constant tendancy to disappear. **** you because I ****ing actually need the help you can't seem to give me.
If you are one of these people. Quit. Just quit. Now. I know you are too lazy to find a different job. But know this: You will eventually lose this job. You will **** up somehow, someway and probably not call in. Whatever whenever you will finally decide that you simply don't want to work so much that you won't even show.
And the people who do care will have to make up for your ****ty ****ty work and lack of work.
So cut to the chase and end it all. By that I mean quit (suicide is acceptable as well tho)
There are other places that hire people like you in droves. Go there, they even pay better. They call this magical place Wal-mart.
Working at Kroger as a Courtesy Clerk has made me realize the significance of higher education, which is why I'm attending college for Web Development. I'd probably commit suicide at some point if I had to work there my whole life, even if I was a Customer Service Manager. I'd rather work with computers than deal with difficult people all day. Seems like a lot of the employees at store 195 are failed, uneducated, white-trash drop-outs that have no futures. Moving up to management makes them 'feel' good about themselves, which is pretty pathetic. I plan on leaving Kroger in 1 more year as soon as I graduate next fall. Education is the best investment anybody can make these days.
Associate of Applied Business in Webpage Management Technology E-Portfolio Web Site -brandone-portfolio.net84.net/index.html