Well here in wonderful Cincinnati at the newly remodeld Maderia store, they just rolled out the latest, greatest futuristic deli ordering system. The customer walks up to a centralized ordering station where they give their meat and cheese request to the employee who then keys it into a touch screen computer. Once do the order goes to the back where dedicated slicers can see and print up the order ticket to fill the order. The customer can then go shopping or wait. Kind of crazy but seems pretty stream lined and efficient.
the new name for it is "Mc Deli". What will be next? Robotic delis???
I am no longer part of the oppressed, evil workforce of Kroger! Can you say "Hallelujah"
Well, there better be robots back there finalizing the orders, 'cause this system is only as good as the amount of dedicated staff they have there.
Just two days ago I stood in line at my deli. There were three customers in front of me, and more customers gathering behind me. The two deli associates were C L E A R L Y ignoring all of us; I waited maybe eight minutes before I paged their dept. head on my walky. Oh, THAT got some pulse work.....NOT! One of them saunters down, makes a show of changing her apron, washing her hands, ya-de-da (another three minutes: yep, I timed it) before addressing the first customer, "Whatchoo wan'?"
Yeeeeeeah.......Either I'm gonna enact some fast changes in that dept., or I'm bagging my own lunch from now on.