i have direct deposit. i put the majority of my pay in my checking acct then i put a small portion in an acct for my city's property taxes twice a year. recently i went to this chase acct and notice them bastards where now charging a $6/month fee. so i went to inquire and took out all the dough and closed this acct. i then went to ExpressHR and chenged the direct deposit stuff.
well to cut to the chase.... this past pay cycle the money went to chase. i know this cauz i went to EXpressHR and saw it. But on the chase website it still shows a zero balance.
where the hell is this money floating at????
I am no longer part of the oppressed, evil workforce of Kroger! Can you say "Hallelujah"
it was probably in pending status when you took it out. as long as they gave you the balance+pending you should be fine they just have to wait for the check to clear as it were.
Would you like fries with th... I mean, your milk in a bag?