I walk to the time clock today and read a bullietin that my department head posted that describes an error that I recently made, with a really stern headline that said there would be "severe disciplinary consequences." (FYI, it was accidentally scanning a coupon twice...)
Should I talk to her about it to see if I'm getting fired, or just wait it out? I think she's full of hot air about it anyway, as long as no one does it again.
If it was an honest mistake that you made with using the time clock I would just ignore it. You could also speak with your manager on this. The department head should have taken you aside and had a discussion with you on this on. If you feel like you are being singled out then I would call your UFCW representative for assistance.
This may not apply to all states, but I have seen the Union step in to save a NON-UNIION member's job. Also, keep in mind, you not required to sign anything except your PAYSTUB!