i've been with Kroger for 4 years. I am full time right now working 5 days at 8 hours so getting the full 40 hours a week. I am concidering going to part time. Would my pay get decreased? What happens to my senority. Can I stay full time but tell them I only wish to work 4 days a week?
1) yes. you will lose all your full time benefits 2) It will get reset to your hire date and you'll be below full time employees on seniority 3) unsure. check with your union rep and your contract.
Would you like fries with th... I mean, your milk in a bag?
Talk to your union rep in the store first. Read your contract.
I encourage you to learn about: seniority fulltime vs part time, seniority by classification, by area, by division... ask yourself how many hours do you absolutly need? Part timers are only guarenteed 12 hours or none at all if another with more seniority grabs all of your hours. In fact, they will schedule a part timer getting paid part pay rates more than a part timer getting paid full time rates. Good luck.