Thats the question thats been on my mind lately and i've shared it with a few co-workers already. Do you ever tell any of your coworkers about whats going on with this site? I've mentioned a few things to my coworker and was able to identify another employee through here where another employee knew the other employee. I'm just curious, but do you ever share the information on this website or told them how to access it? I've mentioned both this website and
My Views and Opinions do not reflect that of the Kroger company. I'm an indivdual expressing my 1st amendment right.
sure. i told several people at work about this site. I am the moderator and they also know that. This isn't some secret "underground movement" we're dealing with here. Its simply an informational portal for Kroger employees.
The basis of Why Kroger Sucks definitely IS NOT deeply incorporated into this website. I would gather that all who come here did not google one day those words then linked themselves to here. Rather you found yourself here because of wanting answers to questions. That is what we provide. But feel free to bitch if you like.
I am no longer part of the oppressed, evil workforce of Kroger! Can you say "Hallelujah"
From my past post it would probably be easy to determinate where i work and who i am. If you're not willing to find me... you don't care enough. If you can - let's have lunch sometime.
Would you like fries with th... I mean, your milk in a bag?
Yes I do. At least I know that we are all in the same boat. It is good to have an outlet for our frustrations and a good site to obtain information as to what is going on in the other stores.