I've been working at Kroger for almost a year. I was checking my Personal Profile, but there are a few things I just dont understand. One of them is Job steps, how do they estimate these job steps? My personal profile says Im in job step 20, my next job step is 30, accrued credited quantity: 19, Quantity remaining: 7. it also says my current pay rate is $7.35 and my next pay rate will be $7.40. I would really appreciate if someone explains to me what the job steps are and Whats the credited quantity and quantity remaning.
Im also confused cuz one of the guys who work with me, his profile says he is n job step 500! and his pay rate is $9.40 and his job steps has been maxed out already so he cant get another raise. The thing is he's been working at kroger for a year already.. he started working a couple months before I did. so I find it strange that he's getting paid $9.40 an hour when we have almost the same time working at kroger and we both do the same thing. Any ideas? thank you
From a work computer, go to the great people portal; from a computer with internet access, go to greatpeople.me and sign in with your EUID and password (make sure capslock is on) and at the bottom of the page that loads you will see a link for expresshr. Log into that and click the link on the left for your personal profile.