I hate how every other day I'm scheduled to work and the time clock won't let me in. They (the csms)are not bitchy about punching me in, it's just I hate dealing with a problem that can be easily avoided.
How early do you try clocking in? I've seen (seasoned) employees have the csm's do an override because they try to logon at 10 minutes til they're supposed to be on shift. You can't clock in unless it's 7 minutes until the beginning of your shift. Is your schedule getting changed after the initial schedule is posted?
90% of the time i have to get a csm to put me as in because it wont let me in at the exact time im supposed to. and ours are so old and nasty it wont even read most of the stores fingerprints on the scanner not matter how much they sanitize and wipe it off. Yuck.
We just got a new time clock, but they need to recopy everyone fingerprints. Even if they spend 5 minutes doing that, it still doesn't work. What a piece of junk.
It's so bad we just keep the time clock edit log next to it.