hello all! My fiance' used to work for Kroger years ago (maybe back in 07) moved onto another job. Just recently she was informed of a supervisor type job that she is wanted for. The problem is, is she cant remember if she was given the option to quit or is she was terminated. So, my question is, how long are records of employment and temination kept on file? She has already spoken with someone about the job and they were very excited about my fiance' but my she wanted to be honest and upfront so she didnt wast anybodys time if this was going to be an issue. Thanks in advance for the help!
If she quit, she will probably not have any issues. However, if she was fired, she most likely got a red flag tied to her name and ssn which will keep her from getting hired again. She just needs to talk to the person who is responsible for the hiring process at the store she is looking at. They can look it up.
By law a prospective employer is not allowed to ask a candidate's former employer why he or she no longer works there. All they can ask is did they work there and for how long.
By law a prospective employer is not allowed to ask a candidate's former employer why he or she no longer works there. All they can ask is did they work there and for how long.
Well, I was under the impression that OP was saying the fiance was looking into a job with kroger but if that's not the case, then you're right, it doesn't matter whether she was fired or quit.
By law a prospective employer is not allowed to ask a candidate's former employer why he or she no longer works there. All they can ask is did they work there and for how long.
You could be a little off on this one. I do recall a few years back where the supreme court rules a former employer can give out more information on a past employee, as long as it is fact based and accurate.
By law a prospective employer is not allowed to ask a candidate's former employer why he or she no longer works there. All they can ask is did they work there and for how long.
Yeah, that's the standard pitch employers toss out to cover themselves against possible litigation.
Years ago, I was between careers and felt I was being burned by my former employer. So I acted as a prospective employer checking up on a new applicant (me).......And was shocked at what I was told. I called the H.R. dept. itself, and my former Administrator had written vile things into my file to be repeated to anyone who asked direct questions.
So yes: It definitely CAN happen. If you feel something like that may happen to you, re a former employer, just don't even mention them on the ap------or find someone you trust to take the call on your behalf.