i got promoted from part time stocking clerk to frozen food lead on may 5th.my union(ufcw 1996) contract says that a full time employee is someone who is hired for full time and is scheduled 40hrs per week or any other employee who is scheduled for 40hrs for 8 consecutive weeks. Im on my 8th week(i hope) my worry is that one of my 8 weeks i worked 39.75 hours does that mean i have to start my eight weeks over again? considering my contract says scheduled 40hrs for 8 weeks and not someone who works 40hrs for 8 weeks i think i should still get it.Im gonna be pissed if i don't go full time because of 25min lol any help is greatly appreciated
You have to have 8 weeks in a row to get full time. It's a good idea to check your time everyday to make sure you reach your goal. 39.75 hours knocks you out. It's not hours scheduled, it's hours worked.
they will fight you. they will pretend they don't know you're gaining status. you may even disappear from the schedule. keep tabs on your pay stubs and the hours paid to work. once you're full time you might find it's not really worth it.
they will fight you. they will pretend they don't know you're gaining status. you may even disappear from the schedule. keep tabs on your pay stubs and the hours paid to work. once you're full time you might find it's not really worth it.
They will let you go to FT if they want you FT. I was next to our district coordinator when he was talking about it with one of our dept managers. They know whats going on and won't let someone slip through and "accidently" become FT. You become FT on purpose.
yeah there going to let me have full time. i would of had it last week if i didnt screw up last month you best believe it wont happen again lol got three more weeks till ill get it.as for any raise that comes with it i might have to fight that or just bother them like crazy which im prepared to do