I'm a Full-Time Fuel clerk and would like to move into store level because the benefits we don't get in fuel but store employees do.With the stuff coming down from corporate on fuel center which making us do more work than we are paid for and the changes they are making which is stupid some of them.I would like to move out of the Fuel and store before they can make us do more stuff for little pay. Why I'm thinking of doing this is Because I have tried for over a year now to move out of my store and department I'm in with no luck I get the same crap from all the stores and management I go to we will not take full-timers at all in store for a transfer so my idea is to go part-time on the books and transfers out and roll peoples for hours to regain my full-time status and regain my insurance by use my seniority of 15 years with Kroger.
My question is how would it effect my pay in anyway and how would you go about it,I was told by another employee if I did it by just dropping like a hour a week or 15 mins without going to management and saying I want to go part time they would need to still keep me at full-time pay rate for fuel because there is a dirty way of doing this without losing pay what I was told.But I think this is not true but unsure of it..I'm under local 1996 Atlanta Contract if that helps. I have other reason why I want to leave the store because our unit manager is a jerk to people and treats them like they are below him as a human being So I cannot stand it no more.
I don't know how your contract is worded on alot of this but my guess is it will absolutely not work out in your favor. You will lose pay, lose hours, and not be able to gain them back enough to go full time again.
You will never ever get back your full time. If your full time status is important to you, do NOT do it. Kroger is looking to transform its employee base to part time any chance they get.