So i wanted to know whats the union policy for calling in sick in texas when your working at kroger. also if you been sick twice and had a doctor excuse for each visit can they still fire you even if your sick?
If you're in your probation period, yes. They can fire you because of your choice in soda if they want.
If you're past probation, they can't fire you for just 2. Doctors notes make them excused absences but if they become a constant issue, notes or not, they can fire you for that.
If you're in your probation period, yes. They can fire you because of your choice in soda if they want.
If you're past probation, they can't fire you for just 2. Doctors notes make them excused absences but if they become a constant issue, notes or not, they can fire you for that.
When I lived in Texas, I called it soda water.
Now that I live in Michigan, I call it pop like the natives.
What? I know a guy who works utility and produce over here in texas and hes never turned in a sick note. Hes been here at this store for about 8 years. He said that you only "need" a note if your going to be out for 3 days or more. <--- This is if you are past the 60 day probation period.
Also to the op, they can't fire you for calling in with a doctors excuse. You can sue their asses for that ****. If you need extra support call your union rep and tell them that their trying to fire your ass for having too many legitimate doctor excuses. This is if they said they're going to fire you.
When I worked for Kroger, they always threatened that if I didn't bring in a doctor's note for even one day absence, I wouldn't be allowed to clock back in until I had that note.
I does not matter if you have a doctors excuse or mot you have 4 chances in 90 days// lates count the same as a call off unless you have consectutive call off they count as 1 ex. 3 day in a row. 1 strike after 4 you get a SIR. 2 more in 90 days a CA 2 more suspended 3 days.. 2 more get 3 no call no shows be terminated don't call off or be tardy more than 4 times in 90 days...I have known people getting suspended for being in hospital because they have attendance issues,, hope this helps